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Question: Following up on Sunblister's question, could you ever see yourself getting involved in building an alternative to Bandcamp? Looks like the world needs it, and it intersects with your interests a bit. (Plus you seem like a decent human being and probably wouldn't ruin it after a few years.)
Asked by Mike (125.253.110.x) on October 17 2023, 11:18pm
Reply on October 18 2023, 6:29pm:
    Nah I much prefer just making end-user software. Running services sucks.
Question: Do you think Bandcamp will survive the latest capital spinaround or even remotely be what it used to be?
Asked by Sunblister (77.180.28.x) on October 17 2023, 8:16pm
Reply on October 18 2023, 6:29pm:
    I have no idea shrug
Question: how are you feeling now v7 is released?
Asked by he he he (177.191.5.x) on October 17 2023, 11:28am
Reply on October 17 2023, 4:26pm:
    pretty good, some little stuff has come up and there will be more minor releases I'm sure, and have a few small branches to eventually go in. Right now there's two items of complete bullshit we have to deal with in the next month or two relating to macOS (having to upgrade our build infrastructure from Apple deprecating altool) and Windows signing (time for a new certificate and now they make you use a HSM), I'm loathing those things. Putting them off until the dust settles, too.
Question: Favorites music books/articles?
Asked by heya (186.210.95.x) on October 16 2023, 2:21am
Reply on October 17 2023, 4:26pm:
Question: Recently i'd asked about formula used in RS5k to map gain to velocity (askjf.com/index.php?q=6883s and based on your reply wrote a function to adjust velocity by dB. But what i found out was that although the calculated velocity values at 6 dB velocity intervals (i.e. 2, 4, 16, 32, 64, 127) did match the Loudness Meter JSFX readings, the intermediate values did not.Turns out that according to the Loudness Meter output, within each range gain isn't mapped to velocity uniformly, therefore division of 6 by the number of velocity units in the range (e.g. 6/16, 6/32, 6/64) to find out dB per velocity unit doesn't produce accurate results. The diviation could be up to 6 velocity units. So my question is if there's a formula you would be able share which takes into account this lack of uniformity in the mapping or if you could explain how it's calculated.
Asked by Buy One (95.134.60.x) on October 15 2023, 2:00pm
Reply on October 15 2023, 2:14pm (edited at October 15 2023, 2:22pm):
    are you interpolating between these steps in dB or as a scale that is later converted to dB? Sounds like you're doing the former and you should be doing the latter. e.g.
    max_sc = 1; // +0 dB, aka 10^(0/20)
    min_sc = 0; // -inf dB
    max_v = 127;
    min_v = 1;
    sc = min_sc + (noteval - min_v) / (max_v - min_v) * (max_sc - min_sc);
    gain_db = log10(sc)*20; // convert scale to dB
    If you want to see the gain difference for each step, calculate sc and gain_db for the steps then look at the difference between each step's gain_db.
Question: What are the best approaches for tackling a large project in your opinion? I know modularity and scalability are two important concepts objectively speaking.
Asked by Matthew (76.37.54.x) on October 15 2023, 2:22am
Reply on October 15 2023, 2:16pm:
    For software anyway -- get something that compiles. then get something that works for a minimal subset. then expand that subset. adjust the design as needed.
Question: hey jf- you might like a bit of feedback? ..you may like a bit of mixing with mixers? ..did you see this fab thing with mixer feedback? (youtu.be/H-7kQmpjBds?feature=shared ((a dedicated jsfx based on this idea might be fun!))
Asked by 2023 (86.154.42.x) on October 12 2023, 11:10am
Reply on October 14 2023, 8:42pm:
    lolz... you can do it via routing and not involving jsfx heh. I remember getting the denormalization noises to make weird sounds via feedback for fun too. (normally if you have real silence you can't get any noise, but -400dB denormal noise is a good starting point)
1 Comment...
Question: What are your thoughts on object oriented programming?
Asked by Matthew (76.37.54.x) on October 11 2023, 7:57pm
Reply on October 12 2023, 2:48am:
    Like most things, it can be good or bad, it's all about the execution
1 Comment...
Question: For your own music collection, do you still prefer MP3, or have you moved on to Opus or AAC?
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on October 11 2023, 3:11pm
Reply on October 11 2023, 7:48pm:
    mp3 4eva
Question: Will you update the cursor list with Razor edit cursors and any other newly added ones at reaper.fm/sdk/cursors/cursors.php?
Asked by Buy One (95.134.60.x) on October 11 2023, 8:50am
Reply on October 11 2023, 12:42pm:
    hah oops that hasn't been updated since 2012, thanks for pointing it out.
1 Comment...
Question: is thom york a bully ?
Asked by BuffAin'tTuff (84.252.114.x) on October 10 2023, 12:17am
Reply on October 10 2023, 1:57am (edited at October 10 2023, 8:53pm):
    I have no idea!
Question: I'm impressed with your well-written shell script for installing Reaper on Linux. I'll definitely be using it as a learning resource.
Asked by Matthew (76.37.54.x) on October 9 2023, 10:30pm
Reply on October 10 2023, 1:57am:
    hah thanks I'm sure it's full of uncaught bugs in handling of quotes/spaces/etc so don't learn too much from it ...
1 Comment...
Question: Any word of wisdom you would like to share with fellow winapi programmers related to ``scaling-up'' a program considering the meticulous nature of winapi? Thanks
Asked by Gio (79.130.167.x) on October 9 2023, 6:37am
Reply on October 9 2023, 1:17pm:
    I'd need more specifics as to what you mean, I think!
Question: hey jf- time,or beats with reaper? + why? thanx!
Asked by 2023 (86.154.42.x) on October 8 2023, 4:06pm
Reply on October 9 2023, 1:19pm:
    Depends on what you're doing! If you're composing and sequencing drums etc, or playing to a click, then def beats. If you're recording live and editing without thought of tempo, it doesn't matter (you can ignore). If you record live, then want to build a tempo map for your live recording, then you'd want to put either the project in time or those tracks, then build the tempo map (so they are unaffected by it), etc.
Question: Hello i have an old version of quickbooks as well but...i think there's no way to import bank transactions from the bank statement for a whole month for example? i think the only way is to write them manually 1 by 1 or am i wrong? can they be imported? Thanks for your help!!!
Asked by Quickbooks question (87.239.255.x) on October 7 2023, 7:16pm
Reply on October 9 2023, 1:19pm:
    I do it manually. It's an hour or two of work per year, and I'd still have to categorize transactions anyway...
1 Comment...
Question: What are your favorite video games? I personally like Skyrim and Borderlands.
Asked by Matthew (76.37.54.x) on October 5 2023, 11:38pm
Reply on October 9 2023, 1:20pm:
    I've been meaning to boot up my PS3 and revisit Resident Evil 5 Mercenaries Mode... or Call of Duty WoW zombies maps on the PC.
1 Comment...
Question: Do you think music is spiritual? like a dimension in itself? is it a gateway? or just nice squigly air waves. Radiohead can definetly take me other places, amoung other groups.
Asked by It's me Thom Yorke I swear (187.213.28.x) on October 5 2023, 2:37am
Reply on October 5 2023, 3:00pm:
    It certainly means a lot to a lot of people!
Question: Do you use editorconfig?
Asked by Matthew (76.37.54.x) on October 5 2023, 1:47am
Reply on October 5 2023, 2:34am:
Question: How long does a full REAPER build take?
Asked by wasereb4 (83.135.15.x) on October 4 2023, 11:46pm
Reply on October 5 2023, 1:27am:
    debug on a M1 MBA takes about a minute. For our release builds the automated process takes about 20 minutes...
Question: Have you ever used linux as a daily driver before? If so: what did you most and least liked about the experience?
Asked by Matthew (76.37.54.x) on October 4 2023, 12:14pm
Reply on October 4 2023, 7:00pm:
    Yeah I have a ThinkPad X1 Carbon which I used for a while, now it mostly gets used here and there. Pretty good experience, mostly end up using my M1 MBA because it's 2-3x faster...
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