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Question: What is your opinion on OpenBSD or any other BSD derivative?
Asked by Matthew (76.37.54.x) on February 4 2024, 9:45pm
Reply on February 5 2024, 5:45pm:
    They're all fine, more or less the same thing right? But I end up on Linux because I'm used to it though
1 Comment...
Question: BTW, what's the time interval for posting several posts in a row from the same IP address? If i try two in a raw the website tells me to wait some time
Asked by User (46.165.250.x) on February 3 2024, 10:47am
Reply on February 3 2024, 6:23pm:
    I forget the logic involved there
Question: Could you post a link to the page with images of REAPER old themes? i can't find the URL
Asked by Name (95.133.222.x) on February 3 2024, 10:37am
Reply on February 3 2024, 6:22pm:
Question: hey jf- while making music via computers or hardwares..people often advise "use your ears" over "use your eyes"? question= have you ever done a session blindfolded..to "see" how that turns out in practice?? (some musicians ARE blind from birth of course) =)
Asked by 2024 (165.120.114.x) on February 2 2024, 5:38pm
Reply on February 2 2024, 6:20pm:
    I haven't done anything blindfolded, but when mixing sessions I definitely don't look at units or ratios or attack times or track meters much, and just tweak them til I like them. The exception is that I do look at the LUFS meter on the main outs to see if I'm near where I want to be as far as loudness.
Question: Did you know the lead musician from Weezer has an active github? github.com/riverscuomo
Asked by Jesse (100.8.74.x) on February 2 2024, 2:24am
Reply on February 2 2024, 5:26pm:
    I read that on the internet. I wonder if there are lots of lyric references in the code. sweater.destroy() etc.
Question: When hosting VST2 plugin, should I call AudioEffect::setParameter from gui thread? Or can it be called from worker thread?
Asked by ruchira (123.231.106.x) on January 30 2024, 12:36pm
Reply on January 30 2024, 6:50pm:
    I assume you mean (AEffect*)->setParameter() (since that's the actual interface, AudioEffect may or may not be a valid thing for any given plug-in). From what I remember you can call it from either.
Question: How do you feel this whole AI crazy will impact DAWs as we know them in the future?
Asked by Andre S. (177.141.171.x) on January 30 2024, 5:52am
Reply on January 30 2024, 6:50pm:
    Not sure, obviously for some tasks it will make things really easy (splitting mixes back in to stems, etc), but other tasks it's probably pointless and as expensive as having a human do it.
Question: how does it feel as a millionaire sharing the same planet with people starving?
Asked by ape din (188.164.221.x) on January 29 2024, 11:01pm
Reply on January 29 2024, 11:35pm (edited at January 30 2024, 12:29am):
    About as powerless as everybody else, I guess :(
1 Comment...
Question: hey jf- are you using a scientific calculator..or doing complex sums in your own head mainly?? ta.
Asked by 2024 (165.120.114.x) on January 28 2024, 6:02pm
Reply on January 29 2024, 3:13am:
    The math I do is more algebra than computation. Occasionally I use calc.exe or its equivalent for quick estimates.
1 Comment...
Question: hope you're doing well. anything memorable happen for you this year yet?
Asked by a cat. definitely not a human (123.136.26.x) on January 26 2024, 7:42pm
Reply on January 29 2024, 3:13am:
    Just completed my first 100km trail race!
1 Comment...
Question: Whatever happened to stashbox?
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on January 26 2024, 5:50am
Reply on January 29 2024, 3:14am:
    I think it was a personal project of its creator that became more work than fun, but I’m not really sure.
Question: I bought a used "bass big muff pi electro-harmonix" stomp box at a thrift store and want to see if it works. Can I test it using my PC on the input side?
Asked by Jesse (100.8.74.x) on January 25 2024, 10:14pm
Reply on January 25 2024, 11:07pm:
    Hmm if you have a bass or guitar to plug into it, you could connect the output to a preamp on your computer, sure. Bonus points if it's a hi-Z (impedance) input.
1 Comment...
Question: Would an interesting project for you be to explore the possibilities of using the GPU for certain tasks? Like for example monitoring with almost zero latency. (GPU.Audio comes to mind) Like as an option to run reaper tracks on the GPU.
Asked by mlprod (104.28.31.x) on January 25 2024, 1:30pm
Reply on January 25 2024, 11:08pm:
    In general GPUs are not low-latency, they are high throughput though. Anyway, not really, it'd be mostly headache work.
Question: Why don't JSFXs don't have/need a filename extension?
Asked by wasereb4 (83.135.15.x) on January 25 2024, 12:51am
Reply on January 25 2024, 3:49am:
    originally they were on a dedicated jesusonic processor where the only files in the Effects path were jsfx anyway
Question: Would you consider making askjf / 1014 more mobile friendly, viewport/responsive wise? I'd imagine many of us hit them on the shitter. 🤣
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on January 24 2024, 4:19pm
Reply on January 24 2024, 4:36pm:
    That's bad for you, definitely can't support that.
Question: Salutations brother J, I'm just about to record a thing (on my screen, with licecap) and the workflow I envisaged was to pick the app to record. I perused for "licecap arguments" but see none. Could this be added? Ideally the pid or image name eg %reap% or maybe also the nth instance with %reap% 3 or some other identifier...or even just pos and size and autorec for handsfree 'rec'ing... what do you reckon? THANKS!
Asked by Jonny (82.19.103.x) on January 24 2024, 1:51pm
Reply on January 24 2024, 4:37pm:
    LICEcap is all about having the window movable etc and not having to plan the app/window/etc... there are other tools out there that do what you want
Question: Why did Dmitry get literally anything? I would imagine you didn't do so out of charity. Had you setup a company with him? Why would you owe him a penny?
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on January 23 2024, 2:30am
Reply on January 23 2024, 7:19am:
    Litigation is time consuming, expensive, and unpleasant.
Question: i installed quickbooks from 2013 and when i try open it on windows 11 it says "this version of quickbooks requires Microsoft internet explorer 6.0 (or later) . Do you know any way i can make this work? Thanks
Asked by Fergs (217.138.221.x) on January 22 2024, 11:25pm
Reply on January 23 2024, 7:20am:
    I run mine in a Windows XP VM, but it's even older. Maybe try it in a Win7 VM?
Question: hey jf- with reaper,which video export options would you highly recommend for either 5.1 or 7.1 surround mixes?? (win10 os) ta.
Asked by 2024 (31.54.122.x) on January 22 2024, 7:11pm
Reply on January 23 2024, 7:20am:
    Probably would use WMF, beyond that I dunno.
Question: Is Brennan still offline?
Asked by ruchira (123.231.106.x) on January 22 2024, 4:51pm
Reply on January 22 2024, 5:04pm:
    afaik he's a passive internet user
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