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Question: hey jf- any interests towards the analog computer advances? can you see any good reasons for looking at this old/new tech any further?
Asked by 2024 (86.155.70.x) on April 10 2024, 12:52pm
Reply on April 11 2024, 1:48am:
    Shrug no idea.
Question: Did you know the entire icecast streaming music directory can be downloaded? dir.xiph.org/yp.xml
Asked by Jesse (100.8.74.x) on April 8 2024, 4:54pm
Reply on April 11 2024, 1:48am:
    Nice, how many people are using that these days?
Question: What advice would you give to yourself 20 years ago?
Asked by Yoyo (186.210.95.x) on April 7 2024, 6:40pm
Reply on April 7 2024, 11:39pm:
    Start trail running again, you fool!
Question: hey jf- is there something wrong with our planet earth?? after watching a recent presentation by our dearest elon musk..we have come to the conclusion this guy is insane! #he wants to move humans to a "dead planet" (mars) how do you feel about this insanity? heh
Asked by 2024 (86.155.70.x) on April 7 2024, 11:23am
Reply on April 7 2024, 11:38pm (edited at April 7 2024, 11:39pm):
    I know, right? this excellent Wired article explains it perfectly:
       I suspect that the tech billionaires didn’t want to be heroes merely
       by saving individual lives. That’s just what firemen do; that’s just
       what Spider-Man does. The billionaires wanted to be heroes who saved
       the whole human race. That’s what Iron Man does.
Question: Do you listen to U2?
Asked by Chris (95.90.215.x) on April 6 2024, 8:14pm
Reply on April 7 2024, 11:39pm:
    I liked The Joshua Tree and Achtung Baby a lot, but haven't kept up since then. Haven't listened to either of those in at least 10 years, though.
Question: will you add gain reduction meter on channel in mixer view, like in Logic pro
Asked by Roooman (104.234.125.x) on April 5 2024, 5:26am
Reply on April 5 2024, 3:10pm:
    This is not the appropriate venue (see Note above), but it is already supported: right click the track, go to metering, choose "gain reduction metering"
Question: Import of EQ from text in ReaEQ. add this in next updates if possible. crinacle.com/graphs/iems/graphtool...Preamp: -4.0 dB Filter 1: ON PK Fc 85 Hz Gain 1.9 dB Q 0.600 Filter 2: ON PK Fc 180 Hz Gain 1.2 dB Q 2.000 Filter 3: ON PK Fc 420 Hz Gain 1.5 dB Q 2.000 Filter 4: ON PK Fc 1500 Hz Gain -2.2 dB Q 1.300 Filter 5: ON PK Fc 4400 Hz Gain -1.0 dB Q 2.000 Filter 6: ON PK Fc 6000 Hz Gain 2.1 dB Q 1.800 Filter 7: ON PK Fc 8100 Hz Gain -2.
Asked by Sam Joseph (103.105.164.x) on April 5 2024, 5:24am
Reply on April 5 2024, 3:10pm:
    This is not the appropriate venue (see Note above), someone (you?) should write a ReaScript to do this.
Question: I have heard that the word Hacker has to do with something like using an axe and whatever wood is lying around to quickly build something and fix things. en.wiktionary.org/wiki/hacker#Etym...This also seems to me to have something to do with the word REAPER, what do you think? I have the impression that the word REAPER is about gaining substance by reducing, and I find it a very attractive word/direction.
Asked by tkna (153.240.222.x) on April 4 2024, 5:51pm
Reply on April 5 2024, 2:08am:
    Hah cool. Yeah. REAPER was about reaping a harvest, for me...
Question: Would you go on a run with the Reaper community one day? Not to talk about Reaper, but just being with humans that happen to share a common interest and just having fun.
Asked by J-Max (70.82.13.x) on April 4 2024, 4:46pm
Reply on April 5 2024, 2:08am:
    Hah sure
Question: hey jf- when people say music can be an emotional experience...are there many (or any) songs that can geniunely bring tears of either sadness or happiness for you?
Asked by 2024 (86.149.177.x) on April 4 2024, 2:47pm
Reply on April 5 2024, 2:09am:
    Yeah usually for the associated memories though, as opposed to purely from the music. But this is hard to untangle.
1 Comment...
Question: I reckon a lot of people have asked you this in the recent past but besides Reaper do you have any other big development project in mind or in the making?
Asked by André S. (177.141.171.x) on April 4 2024, 1:21am
Reply on April 5 2024, 2:10am:
    Not at the moment. I still want someone to make a geotag-centric photo sharing/discovery site -- something like "in space and time". and have gpx support so you could cross-reference against runs/bike rides/etc. but I won't do it, too much work and would probably never get enough users to be useful.
Question: Hey, what kinda music are you into nowadays? How much time do you spend playing music?
Asked by Rano (146.196.45.x) on April 2 2024, 2:47pm
Reply on April 2 2024, 5:47pm:
    I've been really digging Idles. And all of the old favorites too. Time spent playing music varies week to week and month to month, but I enjoy it.
Question: Have you seen this post re:darkmode, on the forum? forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?p=...
Asked by Dom64 (82.132.212.x) on April 1 2024, 11:59pm
Reply on April 2 2024, 2:37am:
    Nice, I hadn't
Question: Do you work together with schwa to solve a same problem or do you work separately on different problems?
Asked by Jo24 (91.165.163.x) on April 1 2024, 7:10pm
Reply on April 1 2024, 7:17pm:
    It depends on how the problem relates to our respective areas of expertise: sometimes we collaborate on problems, other times we deal with them completely separately.
Question: hey jf- did you take note of ytubes updated terms about "altered content"? & do you see any reason to be #alarmed by any of these new terms?
Asked by 2024 (81.131.121.x) on April 1 2024, 6:20pm
Reply on April 1 2024, 7:18pm:
    I hadn't seen this, thanks for the heads-up! Looks like a good policy for them to have.
1 Comment...
Question: Is the whole ninjam codebase covered by GPLv2? There's a confusing ninjam/license.txt file stating a custom license agreement but it's not clear what this applies to.
Asked by cbix (89.0.31.x) on March 30 2024, 2:27pm
Reply on March 30 2024, 2:53pm:
    ah thanks, I will remove that ninjam/license.txt -- it is all GPLv2
Question: When you're running, do you think about the REAPER code? Do you have any new ideas that come to mind at that moment? :)
Asked by robert (2.7.2.x) on March 29 2024, 12:31pm
Reply on March 29 2024, 6:16pm:
    Sometimes, usually it's more a problem-solving sort of thing rather than new ideas, but new ideas have also happened.
Question: I am currently designing a custom game engine and I have taken inspiration from Reaper for it's modular architecture. I was wondering if I should create a custom plugin architecture for the engine modules or just use dlopen() and LoadLibraryA with compatibility stubs? Thanks in advance.
Asked by Matthew (76.37.54.x) on March 27 2024, 11:58pm
Reply on March 29 2024, 12:20pm:
    Whatever works really!
Question: Are you programming for cache? What's your idea about data oriented programming?
Asked by Ruchira (123.231.105.x) on March 27 2024, 6:12pm
Reply on March 29 2024, 12:20pm:
    Cache considerations in performance sensitive code are definitely a thing!
Question: hey jf- have you tested any of the brand virtual headsets & will you be walking or running around the city with any on soon? :D
Asked by 2024 (81.131.121.x) on March 27 2024, 10:17am
Reply on March 27 2024, 5:44pm:
    I tried one of the Apple ones, it was simultaneously amazing and also a long way from being something I would use. Maybe in a few generations…
1 Comment...
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