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Question: have you ever tried Slackware?
Asked by ape_din (141.98.141.x) on November 27 2024, 10:53pm
Reply on November 28 2024, 2:18am:
    it was the first distro I used! but I haven't used it since the 1990s.
Question: If you were mixing several dry guitars, would you use a single JS Convolution Amp/Cab Modeler for all of them (on a folder track), or would you use one amp for each of them? (assuming you're OK with them having the same sound) I'd like to understand DSP better because maybe the answer's obvious.
Asked by jeanjacquesrousseau (31.37.8.x) on November 27 2024, 4:45pm
Reply on November 27 2024, 6:46pm:
    If you're using something that is pure convolution, then summing them prior to convolution is exactly the same as summing the convolved versions. But I'd probably use separate convolutions for each because it would give you more flexibility if you want to do other processing or use different impulse responses.
1 Comment...
Question: Didn't I help in Reaper? Thought my interface and code for effects streamed back to your Dev hosting but out of bread if true can you stake me to get Babbel back?
Asked by Quincy Johnson (107.77.230.x) on November 26 2024, 5:58pm
Reply on November 27 2024, 6:47pm:
    What are you talking about?
Question: Thanks for coming up with reaper. How come 6.xx stops at 6.83, where's 6.84-6.99? Bought a key some time ago that I thought was supposed to last up to 6.99 etc.. just wondering..
Asked by UriR (78.55.154.x) on November 26 2024, 5:03pm
Reply on November 27 2024, 6:48pm:
    The thing is you get two major versions, so you get 5.x and 6.x. There's no guarantee we'll do to .99, sometimes it makes sense for us to go to a new major version because we have new features and breaking changes that make more sense to put in a major version. and the 6.x cycle was plenty long, a number of years...
Question: Hello, ffmpeg4 is already too old. Now it's ffmpeg7 or above, with a difference of three major versions already.
Asked by toolos (221.215.214.x) on November 26 2024, 3:18pm
Reply on November 27 2024, 6:48pm:
    yeah, it's just a pain getting new ffmpeg versions to work with reaper :/ they don't have a well-defined API for using it in the way we do, at least to my knowledge.
1 Comment...
Question: Is there any WM_COMMAND, WM_USER or MainOnCommand that can be sent to Reaper and force it to reload the reaper-menu.ini?
Asked by amagalma (91.140.106.x) on November 26 2024, 12:58pm
Reply on November 27 2024, 6:48pm:
    Don't think so.
Question: Can I contribute to developing Reaper? I am a fullstack web dev but have interest in lower-level programming
Asked by Patrick (73.152.208.x) on November 26 2024, 4:45am
Reply on November 27 2024, 6:49pm:
    Not really but you can write cool extensions and reascripts and jsfx as you like! tbh this stuff is more fun than working on reaper itself.
Question: why is the default theme in the forum the reaper 3 theme? and not reaper 5 as in the latest
Asked by Juni (187.201.235.x) on November 25 2024, 7:42pm
Reply on November 25 2024, 8:20pm:
    hah yeah oops fixing
Question: What is the approximate size of the worldwide of paying users of Reaper? Don't know if this is should be remain confidential though. Are we in the thousands or the millions?
Asked by Max F (24.203.229.x) on November 25 2024, 3:54pm
Reply on November 25 2024, 4:05pm (edited at November 25 2024, 4:06pm):
    Can't say with any precision but closer to the latter than the former
Question: Hi, please I saw that with some js effects in Reaper (like ReaVerb) you can't see the underlying code for the plugin, is there a way for me lock a jsfx plugin I'm writing like that so the underlying code can't be accessed by a user?
Asked by Garby (102.176.65.x) on November 25 2024, 2:54pm
Reply on November 25 2024, 3:10pm:
    not using JSFX, but you could write a plug-in in C/C++ using VST3 or CLAP and do that.
Question: In a jsfx code, is it possible to make a slider length smaller and also change their horizontal and vertical position. I have a slider which has a menu to toggle modes, but it's too long and it's also located at top of gui, I want it downward on the gui. They are only two sliders but they are at the top?
Asked by W.Garby (102.176.101.x) on November 24 2024, 6:27pm
Reply on November 25 2024, 1:25am:
    the jsfx sliders are all fixed in size/etc. you can use @gfx to create custom UIs though.
1 Comment...
Question: Why did Applied Graphine Materials plc fail ?
Asked by T Frost (51.219.210.x) on November 24 2024, 2:40pm
Reply on November 25 2024, 1:25am (edited at November 25 2024, 1:26am):
    no idea at all, first I've heard of it. my understanding is that it is all ball-bearings nowadays...
Question: Did you see this? jordaneldredge.com/notes/webamp-modern/
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on November 23 2024, 4:37pm
Reply on November 23 2024, 7:28pm:
    yep I follow his rss feed :)
Question: Hi, I saw one of your videos in hich you were seriously concentrating and making music alone. Music was impressive. But being alone, are you super super introverted like me?
Asked by W.Garby (154.161.109.x) on November 23 2024, 10:26am
Reply on November 23 2024, 7:28pm:
    hah usually I'm spacing out more than concentrating, but I also like playing with other people. both are a lot of fun and good ways to learn.
Question: Hi, hello. Are there any websites where users can upload their own voices? MP3 format is mainly required, and WAV is also acceptable.  
Asked by nico (221.215.214.x) on November 22 2024, 9:30am
Reply on November 22 2024, 2:37pm:
    personally I'd stick it all on github lol
Question: Hi, hello. Will there be full support for Dolby Atmos in the future? Are there any technical difficulties with it at present? Why hasn't it been supported yet?
Asked by dodo (221.215.214.x) on November 21 2024, 3:26pm
Reply on November 21 2024, 6:06pm:
    The answer to that is a complicated one, there are a lot of factors ranging from technical to business to product tradeoffs. You can use third-party tools for that.
Question: I am using reaper quite a lot for live audio processing. Are there any settings that should be changed from the defaults to optimize for realtime audio?
Asked by NikoJL (87.95.34.x) on November 21 2024, 10:08am
Reply on November 21 2024, 6:06pm:
    Not really, the defaults should be pretty decent!
Question: Hello. Is it possible to fully utilize all of my CPUs when rendering to a file? Since I'm free and my computer is also free, I'd like to occupy all the CPUs to speed up the process.
Asked by dodo (221.215.214.x) on November 20 2024, 10:17am
Reply on November 20 2024, 4:59pm:
    It depends on the project! If e.g. you had a single track with some FX on it, you'd end up with one core reading media and applying take FX/timestretch, another core processing track FX, and a third encoding the resulting media. No real way to engage more cores in that case (at least not without a ton of overhead which might not be worth it).
Question: Do you watch boxing matches?
Asked by Garby (102.176.65.x) on November 18 2024, 2:29am
Reply on November 18 2024, 2:46pm:
    nah, don't really like seeing people get hit in the face
1 Comment...
Question: do you consider reaper being either more modular or more open?
Asked by memo (187.201.235.x) on November 16 2024, 9:08pm
Reply on November 17 2024, 2:00am:
    not sure I understand that question, if you'd like to ask in another language it might be better for me to do the translation (reply in the comments)?
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