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Question: Have you checked this video : youtube.com/shorts/pGuPZO_nmb0🤭
Asked by 🤭🤭🤭 (106.219.69.x) on December 16 2024, 7:41pm
Reply on December 16 2024, 9:10pm:
    heh cool
1 Comment...
Question: do you get a little annoyed when a place asks 10 dollars for 3 chicken tenders? like to me personally 10 bucks should grant me a kings bounty but i feel like im being robbed anytime i enter a huey magoos
Asked by tillie (96.4.199.x) on December 16 2024, 3:00pm
Reply on December 16 2024, 5:00pm:
    I guess it depends a lot on the context of where you are? Go to the wrong place and shit's gonna be expensive!
Question: hey jf- seen any feeds of "drone swarms" lately? opinions?
Asked by 2024 (31.104.68.x) on December 15 2024, 11:18pm
Reply on December 16 2024, 5:00pm:
    Yeah not quite sure what to make of them, a lot of times it seems like people are looking at normal air traffic, but not all the times obviously. Shrug
Question: When hosting VST3 plugins, what should be done if the audio source has multiple channels which does not belong to any speaker arrangement? Is it ok to use one bus per channel?
Asked by Ruchira (175.157.40.x) on December 15 2024, 7:45pm
Reply on December 16 2024, 4:59pm:
    For REAPER at least, you can use arbitrary bitsets, e.g. if you want 40 channels of arbitrary audio, you can use a (1LL<<40)-1 for a channel mask.
1 Comment...
Question: What do you think of computer graphics? Have you done any graphics coding before maybe aside from Reaper? (if there is) Like game engine/physics sim coding?
Asked by Rano (113.21.65.x) on December 14 2024, 7:35pm
Reply on December 15 2024, 6:13am:
    in the 90s I made a 3d engine because that was the thing people did... then I modernized it about 10 years later (C to C++, 8bpp palette rendering to 32bpp RGBA, multitexture support, etc). And had a lot of fun writing AVS for Winamp, other visualizations, also REAPER video processors and stuff.
Question: How about a 'Thanks' button in the forum?
Asked by wasereb4 (95.91.77.x) on December 14 2024, 12:04pm
Reply on December 14 2024, 2:23pm:
    what would that do?
Question: How hard of a change would it be to add a tag to each question here ? I lurk here every now and then and look for programming questions and screenshot the good ones and keep them in a folder , I wish there was a programming tag where I can search all programming only questions from start
Asked by Request (156.195.86.x) on December 12 2024, 12:44am
Reply on December 12 2024, 1:22am:
    probably not that hard but meh sorry other stuff taking my time :)
Question: What makes a performant SFX search software like Media Explorer, SoundMiner, BaseHead etc?
Asked by nikolalkc (80.216.71.x) on December 10 2024, 10:56pm
Reply on December 11 2024, 3:04pm:
    hmm not sure I understand this question
Question: Do you know reFX Nexus plugin? Maybe you don't care because it is a virtual instrument. It was a very popular rompler back then. Lots of popular artist used that. And now recently its latest v5 fully becomes a sampler + synthesizer and once again its popularity rising again very quickly.
Asked by Abhi (106.219.68.x) on December 10 2024, 5:33pm
Reply on December 10 2024, 10:25pm:
    nope, I don't keep up with all of the plug-ins
Question: There was a letter in a recent Tape Op asking why Reaper isn't covered more. Have you ever thought about advertising in TapeOp? Their ethos seems very aligned with yours: creative recording, free subscriptions to the mag to anyone who wants it (not that Reaper is free). Then again, you probably don't need to advertise Reaper.
Asked by Cris (173.70.123.x) on December 10 2024, 2:07pm
Reply on December 10 2024, 2:38pm:
    we don't advertise, but if we were to maybe that would be the place to...
Question: Are the js effects that comes with Reaper open source, as in you can edit the code to do what you want and share it free to the forum or community. Is that legal?
Asked by Garby (102.176.75.x) on December 9 2024, 5:55pm
Reply on December 9 2024, 9:32pm:
    They are, each has its own license at the top of them (for the most part at least)
Question: I'm curious when you're learning something new such as assembler programming or how to make a mp3 decoder, how do you first grasp enough context to understand the manual/spec you're reading?
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on December 8 2024, 5:14pm
Reply on December 8 2024, 10:59pm:
    Those are pretty different questions but they both share the common thing, which would be to take a large scope of a problem and break them into smaller problems that you can manage. If learning assembly, writing C and then looking at what the compiler produces is a good way to get an idea of how a particular architecture works and what best practices are for it. Inline assembly is a nice way to do a little at a time and test that it works... As far as writing an mp3 decoder, sitting down with a spec pdf and writing a decoder is something I've never done, but taking a reference implementation and then throwing away and rewriting bits of it at a time, is a lot more straightforward. Writing Ship of Theseus style...

    this also extends to writing new software in general. The most difficult part is doing a ton of work that you can't test.
Question: Hi Justin, I was just wondering if there was any progress on showing us your studio desk?
Asked by Michay (1.145.198.x) on December 6 2024, 11:36pm
Reply on December 7 2024, 2:18am:
    still too much of a mess!
Question: Have you ever recorded IRs from your amps to use them somewhere else? I'm wondering if it's worth the effort
Asked by chipsmunch (77.189.62.x) on December 6 2024, 6:39pm
Reply on December 6 2024, 6:48pm:
    Only for fun of rooms/amps/speakers, never actually used them for anything though
1 Comment...
Question: Hi, the Media Explorer has a copy function, but it doesn't have a cut function. Has such an important function been overlooked?
Asked by catsc (221.215.214.x) on December 6 2024, 3:45pm
Reply on December 6 2024, 6:49pm:
1 Comment...
Question: This is not a feature request (I guess?). And I was going to post this on forum, but "Sorry. The administrator has banned your IP address. To contact the administrator click here" is written there. I just want to say that the current piano in MIDI Editor looks very bright, and same thing in v6 looks very nice. Can you bring those colors back to v6 one? Here, you will understand what I meant : imgur.com/a/FcKVk0E
Asked by Abhi (106.219.69.x) on December 6 2024, 10:22am
Reply on December 6 2024, 6:49pm:
    You can tweak the theme, look for the action 'Theme Development: Show theme tweak/configuration window'
1 Comment...
Question: If you were to buy a new car today, which would you choose?
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on December 6 2024, 5:41am
Reply on December 6 2024, 6:51pm:
    new to me or brand-new? If brand-new, maybe a Bolt EV or a Prius Prime or something. Used, I dunno, would have to see what was around I guess?
Question: Hi there. Love your work on Reaper/Ninjam. Have been playing drums on Ninjam since the pandemic and have met people around the world because of it. We just played a concert for dancers in Brazil virtually. Fantastic program!I Don't have a question just wanted to say thanks :)
Asked by BobertPlaysDrums (142.167.143.x) on December 5 2024, 10:50pm
Reply on December 6 2024, 6:51pm:
Question: Which browser do you use? And how your bookmarks look like?
Asked by Abhi (106.219.68.x) on December 5 2024, 8:02am
Reply on December 5 2024, 12:52pm:
    I switch between Safari and Firefox, and don't really bookmark much, except on my phone where I keep some things I commonly use. I also don't really leave tabs open. I understand that I am in the minority in this behavior.
1 Comment...
Question: Maybe useful? A recently updated article about win32 and dark mode: learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/...
Asked by Dom64 (82.132.213.x) on December 5 2024, 5:01am
Reply on December 5 2024, 12:52pm:
    Not really, but thanks!
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