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Question: I've been doing work on my sample manager and realized that instead of reinventing the wheel (and wasting cycles), maybe I could just use reapeaks files for file previews... there even is a spec explaining the format... good/bad idea? can I somehow just use reaper to generate em all in batch? Hopefully this doesn't count as a reaper question :P
Asked by eubn (104.248.40.x) on October 22 2020, 6:44pm
Reply on October 22 2020, 10:07pm (edited at October 22 2020, 10:42pm):
Question: I uploaded my music on youtube but has 0 views for many days now.....Isn't there a way for at least some ppl to check it out without advertising
Asked by Hiiiiiii (185.192.69.x) on October 22 2020, 10:17am
Reply on October 22 2020, 10:07pm:
    No idea, send links to your friends?
Question: How's the COVID life coming around for you?
Asked by David Roldan (47.21.94.x) on October 19 2020, 6:48pm
Reply on October 21 2020, 2:10am:
    I try to keep the COVID lifeforms away from me
Question: did you get this lesson from master po? > youtu.be/vbbLCPTnOPM
Asked by 2020 (109.181.167.x) on October 18 2020, 6:22pm
Reply on October 21 2020, 2:10am:
    I did not
1 Comment...
Question: have you heard about the 90 minute sleep theory? sleepcouncil.org.uk/advice-support...
Asked by richard davies (86.181.252.x) on October 16 2020, 7:16pm
Reply on October 17 2020, 11:28pm:
    That sounds like the same old thing that always comes up, maybe? Anyway not really interested, I like sleep too much.
Question: what is the best brand of coffee?
Asked by richard davies (86.181.252.x) on October 15 2020, 1:50pm
Reply on October 15 2020, 2:30pm:
    It's completely subjective and also depends on the harvest and roast etc... I've been making some George Howell beans at home for a long while (I get from the cafe down the road) and like them a lot. I used to like Blue Bottle's beans but the last time I got a bag of Giant Steps they were way, way too dark for my preference.
Question: What's your complete process of songwriting?
Asked by a noob songwriter (122.161.242.x) on October 15 2020, 5:57am
Reply on October 15 2020, 2:31pm:
    I throw things at the computer until they stick ... I probably need more of a process as my songs are never well thought out
1 Comment...
Question: Do you have a favourite colour or number?
Asked by richard davies (86.181.252.x) on October 14 2020, 1:12pm
Reply on October 15 2020, 12:24am:
    Not that I can think of
Question: Wanna work on ohmstudio open source project ?, come join us! Here we are. github.com/GroovemanAndCo
Asked by Irockus Rhodes (167.88.7.x) on October 14 2020, 12:35am
Reply on October 15 2020, 12:23am:
    No thanks!
Question: Technology and computer processing deflation have democratized music making a great deal. What thing still has the most room for improvement?
Asked by WccWcc (107.77.198.x) on October 13 2020, 9:07pm
Reply on October 15 2020, 12:23am:
    Discovery I guess?
Question: In the menueditor: some menu-entries have a & in their name like R&ender or &Project settings or Consolidate/E&xport tracks. What's the purpose of that & ?
Asked by Mespotine (2.247.249.x) on October 13 2020, 3:58pm
Reply on October 13 2020, 8:41pm:
    On Windows that's the convention for having that letter underlined (meaning hitting that letter on a keyboard will open that item)
Question: >will you be tuning in to the reboot of 'spitting image'?
Asked by 2020 (91.110.225.x) on October 12 2020, 10:24pm
Reply on October 13 2020, 8:41pm:
    Ahh.. maybe eventually
Question: Has anyone ever confused you with David Guetta? :)
Asked by Vitali (148.81.197.x) on October 12 2020, 9:22am
Reply on October 12 2020, 2:17pm:
    Hah not yet (had to look him up)
1 Comment...
Question: Do you have any type of allergy? Have you ever went for an allergy test? If yes for both questions, details please
Asked by WANT energy, NOT allergy (122.161.247.x) on October 12 2020, 8:41am
Reply on October 12 2020, 2:17pm:
    I definitely feel different kinds of pollen, and shellfish doesn't agree with me (at least if I eat enough of it), but other than that not really. (but I haven't been tested).
1 Comment...
Question: What will you use instead of ICC for compiling Reaper? It seams this compilator will be abandoned soon.
Asked by Vitali (148.81.197.x) on October 11 2020, 11:38am
Reply on October 11 2020, 6:28pm:
    Realistically we'll keep using it for a while, e.g. for win32 we've been using the sample compiler for more than 10 years...
Question: Would you consider making this site in dark mode as an option?
Asked by Jimmy (104.221.68.x) on October 10 2020, 10:58pm
Reply on October 11 2020, 6:28pm:
    Hmm I haven't considered it, is there a way to get a hint from the browser?
Question: Hey what a nice surprise, how did you manage to build Reaper for arm64 so fast? Is it fully functional? What about 3rd party libraries?
Asked by zabukowski (149.126.144.x) on October 10 2020, 3:35pm
Reply on October 10 2020, 9:06pm:
    I don't think JSFX is working right yet, but that's it (mprotect() might not be supported? some new entitlement? will sort out when I get some apple silicon hardware). We have linux arm64 working, though.
Question: Are we, i mean the users, too spoiled crybabies nowadays? i like tricky questions, sorry:)
Asked by Pony (93.177.75.x) on October 8 2020, 2:33pm
Reply on October 8 2020, 9:44pm:
    I don't associated with spoiled crybabies, so probably not?
Question: are we related?
Asked by Roddy Frankel (174.234.129.x) on October 7 2020, 9:15pm
Reply on October 8 2020, 9:44pm:
    If so probably pretty distantly! If you are related to a David Frankel who came to North America from Romania around 1900 then maybe.
Question: audio VS. visuals..... which matters the most? (ignoring the fact that you are a musician, because I don't want you to give a biased answer (as audio) :P another question... which is more bearable - poor audio or poor video?
Asked by now that i found you (122.161.246.x) on October 6 2020, 6:24pm
Reply on October 8 2020, 9:42pm:
    Depends on what you're watching/listening to!
1 Comment...
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