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Question: once u created winamp how did you advertise it? and how quick did it reach lets say 10,000 downloads from the time you created it, thanks!
Asked by Emmmm (213.140.221.x) on November 4 2020, 9:04pm
Reply on November 4 2020, 9:11pm:
    Just word of mouth on IRC to start. No idea about downloads, too long ago...
Question: how's the eyes these days? 2020 vision,having to wear glasses from time to time,or a pair of $6.1million man bionic eyes???
Asked by 2020 (95.148.58.x) on October 31 2020, 10:27pm
Reply on November 2 2020, 4:13am:
    afaik 20/20 but shrug
Question: If you were to learn coding again from scratch now in 2020, which courses would you follow and how long do you think it would take reach to a good level
Asked by Emmm (213.140.221.x) on October 31 2020, 5:25pm
Reply on November 2 2020, 4:19am:
    That's a tough hypothetical because how would I know what I'd do if I didn't know anything? If you're asking for you (or a third person), what I'd recommend.. well, it's hard for me to recommend that, considering I learned programming decades ago and didn't have access to all of the modern documentation...

    What I will say is two things:
    1. Learning assembly language (for whatever architecture) is valuable, in that you can imagine the code whatever language you're using ends up generating
    2. It's probably healthy to not get too attached to the syntax of a particular language (why marry yourself to one?)
    3. Embrace curiosity: feel free to fiddle with things you don't fully understand in order to get them to work, then try to understand why they work.
    4. Don't hard code the size of lists
Question: Do you believe in any god? Are you even open to announcing it here?
Asked by SomeCuriousBloke (110.54.151.x) on October 31 2020, 2:21pm
Reply on October 31 2020, 4:18pm:
    Flying spaghetti for life
Question: hey- did you ever get to see the 'reaper' movie?? (do you watch many horror films?)
Asked by 2020 (95.148.58.x) on October 30 2020, 11:32pm
Reply on October 31 2020, 2:47am:
    Ah no, I haven't seen that. I don't see too many horror films, though it's about time I see Halloween.
1 Comment...
Question: What is your idea about MVC pattern and design patterns? Are you using them?
Asked by ruchira (175.157.43.x) on October 30 2020, 2:33am
Reply on October 30 2020, 2:44am:
    view / controller is an unnecessary division, I suppose?
Question: Can you give me a list of popular songs mixed by REAPER?
Asked by David Roldan (47.21.94.x) on October 29 2020, 8:16pm
Reply on October 29 2020, 10:00pm:
    I am unable to do that
1 Comment...
Question: Do you feel like you're a middle aged man, or does it still feel the same as when you were 20 knocking out winamp?
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on October 29 2020, 4:32pm
Reply on October 29 2020, 10:00pm (edited at October 30 2020, 2:43am):
    Neither? I can't sit for long periods of time at a keyboard like I could then, but in general I feel better. Maybe I have more acute pains now, but living with those is part of it.
Question: Hey Justin, haven't posted a lot. I hope you are ok. Take care, alright man?
Asked by John (93.136.60.x) on October 28 2020, 9:43pm
Reply on October 29 2020, 1:32pm:
    Thanks, you too!
Question: Reaper is why free?
Asked by Strantrickt (78.183.237.x) on October 28 2020, 8:17pm
Reply on October 28 2020, 9:17pm:
    REAPER is not free!
Question: Hi Justin! Long time Reaper (4-ish) user here. Just a feature request to make some of these scripts native? forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?t=203828Thanks!, Reaper is pure awesome.
Asked by Nate Wood (108.14.160.x) on October 27 2020, 4:49pm
Reply on October 28 2020, 1:22am:
    Welcome, but see the note above! I might delete this post eventually but I'll leave it here long enough for you to see it.
1 Comment...
Question: Hey, 7+ year Reaper user here, thanks for making my favorite DAW! What are some of your favorite albums of all time?
Asked by John (35.24.101.x) on October 25 2020, 11:47pm
Reply on October 26 2020, 5:30pm:
    Where to begin... off the top of my head in random order albums I can always listen to and really enjoy: Pearl Jam - Ten, Jane's Addiction - Nothing's Shocking (and Ritual... too), Midlake - Courage of Others, Grandaddy - The Sophtware Slump, Radiohead - Kid A (actually every Radiohead album since The Bends), Mogwai - Come On Die Young, Dungen - Ta Det Lungt, Nick Drake - Pink Moon, Mazzy Star - So Tonight that I Might See, DJ Shadow - Endtroducing, Meat Puppets - Meat Puppets II...
Question: hey_hope your well! >had you seen this video about youtubes attack on open software? newtube.app/user/anthony/NOqgMsR (fact or fiction? +how might that affect you?)
Asked by 2020 (95.148.58.x) on October 25 2020, 8:21pm
Reply on October 26 2020, 1:18pm (edited at October 26 2020, 1:19pm):
    hmm you mean the RIAA's trying to get youtube-dl banned? I don't think YouTube/Google are behind that. this post seemed like a good summary.
Question: Is there a way the purchaser and Cockos can collaborate together and release songs to sell. I'm wondering if people working with your program can make a good living. Do you monitor end users from time to time for good work and possible potential to sell? I'd love to hear your thoughts
Asked by Palendrum (207.6.147.x) on October 25 2020, 7:07pm
Reply on October 26 2020, 1:17pm:
    We try to stay out of our users' businesses
Question: Are you happy with your work-life balance?
Asked by 9 am to 5 pm (122.161.240.x) on October 25 2020, 4:53am
Reply on October 25 2020, 1:41pm (edited at October 25 2020, 1:42pm):
    Most of the time yeah, but it varies!
Question: Does Reaper end? If it expires, will it be open source?
Asked by Strantrickt (78.183.237.x) on October 24 2020, 10:43pm
Reply on October 25 2020, 1:41pm:
    Who can know the future? But I'll make sure that REAPER is in good hands if I'm ever finished with it.
Question: Why are you telling people to wear a mask this is a website ? see 100 doctors at the supreme court www.bitchute.com/video/BhrHFw6xhM5W/
Asked by Diane (174.7.119.x) on October 24 2020, 7:07am
Reply on October 24 2020, 12:46pm (edited at October 24 2020, 1:06pm):
    That's misinformation, and btw OANN is not a reliable news source! There is overwhelming statistical evidence that shows that mask wearing is inversely correlated with coronavirus transmission, and a very broad consensus among epidemiologists. Having a group of doctors who disagree doesn't mean much, you can find people to disagree with almost anything (See: flat earth society, etc). Also just because someone is a doctor doesn't mean that this is there area of expertise. I program computers but I shouldn't go around telling people the best way to solder chips on motherboards....
Question: hey-not sure how you 'feel' about dancing in general but the dexterity dance league is showing the new youths moves if your interested> youtu.be/5eH6XEgEED0
Asked by 2020 (95.148.58.x) on October 23 2020, 5:32pm
Reply on October 24 2020, 12:46pm:
    I'm terrible at it but respect
Question: The UK BBC has released a new version of the educational microcontroller board, micro::bit. It has LEDs and runs an ARM processor and has wireless IOT features. Will Reaper or ReaPlay ever run on it?
Asked by Superblonde.org (174.195.212.x) on October 23 2020, 1:38am
Reply on October 23 2020, 2:25am:
    It appears to use a ARM Cortex-M0 which seems to be a microcontroller and lacks a FPU, so probably not?
1 Comment...
Question: I've been doing work on my sample manager and realized that instead of reinventing the wheel (and wasting cycles), maybe I could just use reapeaks files for file previews... there even is a spec explaining the format... good/bad idea? can I somehow just use reaper to generate em all in batch? Hopefully this doesn't count as a reaper question :P
Asked by eubn (104.248.40.x) on October 22 2020, 6:44pm
Reply on October 22 2020, 10:07pm (edited at October 22 2020, 10:42pm):
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