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I'm curious what you think of other brands mining nostalgia like Limewire, Radioshack and Blockbuster in addition to Winamp? What are the risks of these companies using brandnames people recognize as a shortcut instead of building an actual, earned reputation?
Asked by Ornella (134.56.158.x) on April 21 2022, 3:20pm
Reply on April 22 2022, 7:35pm:
Thumbs down!
For each continent choose a country to live : Africa, Europe, Asia, south America , north America , Australia/Oceania
Asked by Yoda (189.112.46.x) on April 21 2022, 12:46am
Reply on April 22 2022, 7:35pm:
I haven't been to enough places to answer this with any kind of confidence! Also the location within the country would probably be as important as the country to begin with. So, with such little data available, I'll answer based on the food I've had in the style of the country or whatnot, because I like eating and that's more interesting than "I have no idea":
Africa: I mean who doesn't like injera and greens and spiciness? I'll go Ethiopia
Europe: mmm tough choices here, I'll go the UK assuming I can end up in Cornwall and have pasties there to my heart's content.
Asia: India or Pakistan. Naan roti saag and kofta mmmm
South America: hmm whose empanadas do I like best? I dunno. I'll go with Argentina (also I hear they have good meat). Sorry for my ignorance here!
North America: Mexico.
Oceania: I really like this NZ-based coffeehouse I've been into in London (Allpress), so I'll go NZ.
Sorry these aren't well-reasoned answers, but/and now I'm hungry.
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what is your favorite joke?
Asked by bobbert (136.24.116.x) on April 19 2022, 8:03am
Reply on April 19 2022, 2:41pm:
what's brown and sticky?
What's your typing speed in wpm?
Asked by Test (171.50.135.x) on April 18 2022, 3:33pm
Reply on April 18 2022, 8:40pm:
quick go was 96wpm, but I don't normally type that fast
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Hi, Justin, how are you doing? I've been playing a lot with the FX parameter modulation, I'd like to know if you plan to further expand the modulation types, etc.
Asked by Andrew S. (177.141.171.x) on April 18 2022, 5:53am
Reply on April 18 2022, 8:41pm:
See the note above ;)
Will REAPER in Windows ever get to have the bluetooth midi UWP support? It´d be great to see it being used as some of the current solutions can only see one device at atime
Asked by Starship Gautr (189.159.131.x) on April 18 2022, 4:22am
Reply on April 18 2022, 8:41pm:
See the note above ;)
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Are you aware that most of your responses signal you're a psychopath?
Asked by Johhny (93.140.35.x) on April 17 2022, 9:42am
Reply on April 17 2022, 2:26pm:
Ooh I love strangers on the internet for medical diagnoses :)
Can we make a complicated software (like REAPER) entirely in only one programming language, let say, Python?
Asked by Abhi (106.212.144.x) on April 16 2022, 5:16pm
Reply on April 17 2022, 3:59am:
Hmm I'm not sure, does Python support threads well? Or does it have some big global lock? Other things would be ways of supporting your hardware, updating the screen, etc. I don't know the answers to these.
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you are honestly so cool and i think you're hilarious lol:D when my start up's worth a billion dollars im going to credit you as one of tech role models
Asked by sara (211.220.15.x) on April 16 2022, 11:45am
Reply on April 17 2022, 3:59am:
That's not a question.
I'm a Justin, too. If you could choose another name, would you?
Asked by Justin (2.99.91.x) on April 15 2022, 7:59pm
Reply on April 16 2022, 3:48am:
Maybe, but I wouldn't include "cock" in it.
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Difference between Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code? How to know which software is for me? Also do you use any of these, or both? Another question, in which software you write your codes?
Asked by Abhi (27.58.68.x) on April 15 2022, 4:01pm
Reply on April 16 2022, 3:48am:
I don't really keep up but when I do use visual studio I use the 2013 version. I write mostly in vim
Hi Justin! Did you ever try FXRack from eugen2777? if so, can you qualify how much did your sound and joy improved? what do you think of these guy contributions in the past?
Asked by deee (183.89.31.x) on April 14 2022, 6:23pm
Reply on April 16 2022, 3:49am:
Do you like memes?
Asked by heya (189.112.211.x) on April 14 2022, 2:52am
Reply on April 16 2022, 3:49am:
Especially if they involve cats
Where is the download link for the old, classic Winamp (maybe version 5.8?)
Asked by Ampwin (122.181.90.x) on April 12 2022, 4:54pm
Reply on April 16 2022, 3:50am:
I have a mirror of http://1014.org/shiz/winamp508e_full_emusic-7plus.exe (I think that was the last version that "shipped" while I worked at aol)
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Dude you got the link to your instagram account wrong on youtube :D
Asked by Arie (103.213.128.x) on April 11 2022, 8:11pm
Reply on April 11 2022, 10:33pm:
ah oops thanks!
Hi Justin, I hope you are not tired of being asked this question but I am actually writing a paper on you (and Reaper) and was wondering if you could tell me in your own words, why did you decide to make Reaper when there were other DAWs readily available and what gaps (if any) in the DAW market does Reaper fill that other DAWs either can't or don't want to fill? Thanks for reading my qestion :)
Asked by AnonStudent (175.32.112.x) on April 10 2022, 6:31pm
Reply on April 11 2022, 5:04pm:
The main gap would be not being a pain in the ass. An example of one the initial things that was important to me were being able to record and change things on the fly, e.g. arm/disarm tracks while recording, but really there are too many things to list.
Hi Justin I'm interested in your old "jesusonic" guitar effect experiment (I think now would be a lot easier to do with the lot of mini pc board around) any possibility that you release that or the jsfx part of the source to the public? I think having jsfx effects would be great in something like jack. thanks
Asked by Nick (37.228.232.x) on April 9 2022, 5:27pm
Reply on April 10 2022, 4:04pm:
I don't think we'll release the source to the classic version but probably the more modern one... you could always run REAPER on any of these devices too. It's not really meaningfully more overhead
ok so you are a big hairy bloke with flexing hand muscles and rippling brain powers..BUT,what things bring you closest to feeling emotionally saturated to the point of either a: tears of sadness.. b: tears of joy?
Asked by 2022 (95.145.189.x) on April 9 2022, 3:22pm
Reply on April 10 2022, 4:04pm:
It's been a bit but it happens, you know, things that are touching
Hi dear Reaper creator ! I'm a hudge Reaper fan, and I'm using it for creating music (really love your music BTW). But there are some missing things in Reaper or some minor bugs that I reported on forum (as I'm a developer myself). But anybody from Reaper team seems to look at forum. So maybe 1. do you need some help to make some sorting and fill bugs/feature requests in a bug tracker somewhere? (I would be interested, as I'm enthusiast). 2. I sent you private msg on forum; do you sometimes look? Thks a lot
Asked by Bruno Duyé (84.17.43.x) on April 8 2022, 7:31pm
Reply on April 8 2022, 8:11pm:
We do look at the forum and while things do sometimes get overlooked, often posts aren’t responded to because there’s not much useful to add…
g'day- do you think reaper is providing encouragment to a more experimental,younger,modern approach to music,sound design (thinking EDM) or have you kinda found the user base/market (other than your goodself) that design was initially intended for? (perhaps a slighty older generation?)
Asked by 2020 (95.145.189.x) on April 7 2022, 9:31pm
Reply on April 8 2022, 3:16am:
It was originally intended for me, and I'm 100% sure most people don't use it like I do, so yay I guess?
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