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Question: If you had to live one year in an infinite loop, until you pass away, which year would it be ?
Asked by Falafel (189.112.245.x) on October 20 2022, 6:53am
Reply on October 20 2022, 12:25pm:
    Would my actions be looped or would I have the freedom to change things and balance it? Would I remember previous year iterations? Would I remember later years too (or would I start out with my state of mind at the first time I had that year)?
Question: What happened to ten fourteen dot org?
Asked by Dan W (24.235.130.x) on October 19 2022, 12:08am
Reply on October 19 2022, 12:35am:
    what about it?
Question: is cockos a penis joke
Asked by mike s (173.70.39.x) on October 18 2022, 10:54pm
Reply on October 19 2022, 12:35am:
Question: Any coding architecture you regret doing?
Asked by Vlad (99.145.169.x) on October 18 2022, 5:06pm
Reply on October 18 2022, 7:20pm:
    Less architectural regrets, more implementation-detail regrets (e.g. using floats instead of doubles for function parameters, using doubles instead of int64 for time, etc).
Question: If you have to choose 2 data structures to use for the rest of your programming career, which would you choose? :)
Asked by jack (146.70.134.x) on October 18 2022, 4:51pm
Reply on October 18 2022, 7:21pm:
    associative arrays normal arrays, I guess?
Question: How would YOU write(syntactically) a simple add(a + b) function in JavaScript?
Asked by musicalcode (136.226.74.x) on October 18 2022, 4:24am
Reply on October 18 2022, 2:02pm:
    you mean?
    function add(a,b) {
      return a+b;
Question: Never been an Intel fan but... does it worth to opt for an Intel CPU in order to be able to use the VTune Profiler? Do you use any such related tool for software development? VC11 profiler is okay-ish but no other comparison to draw a reliable conclusion.
Asked by Gio (94.70.19.x) on October 18 2022, 4:22am
Reply on October 18 2022, 2:02pm:
    I've used the AMD tool some, but these days I'd use the profiling tools in xcode
Question: Are you using iCloud, OneDrive, Google Drive or any other big "free" cloid provider? Or do you store your all of your data in a private server/cloud?
Asked by Albi (77.8.1.x) on October 17 2022, 10:26pm
Reply on October 17 2022, 11:18pm:
    Google docs but not so much the drives... drives I use a couple of NASes that I rsync to eachother periodically
Question: How was your worst bike fall?
Asked by heya (201.48.142.x) on October 17 2022, 7:17pm
Reply on October 17 2022, 11:17pm:
    Harlem Skyscraper Cat 5 race, ouch, bruised ribs
Question: how much did you have to sacrifice for your successes
Asked by mike s (173.70.39.x) on October 17 2022, 8:55am
Reply on October 17 2022, 1:38pm:
    It rarely feels like sacrifice at the time, usually pretty fun in the process. But in hindsight maybe not the best way to treat your body at times...
1 Comment...
Question: What do you make of Elk Audio OS and Elk Live?
Asked by bumble (69.172.165.x) on October 17 2022, 4:32am
Reply on October 17 2022, 1:37pm:
    Looks cool but I haven't tried it. In general when I've played with making things embedded (e.g. Jesusonic on a very-minimal linux kernel) I just ended up wanting more of a system available.
Question: What are your thoughts on Carmack going all-in on AGI development?
Asked by Myke (73.231.58.x) on October 17 2022, 3:06am
Reply on October 17 2022, 1:36pm:
    I haven't been paying attention so as a result I don't have an opinion
Question: Hey Justin, hope you're well. Do you find the Win32 docs lacking/frustrating? Things are so difficult to lookup unless you know exactly which function/constant/etc you're looking for. Also, I'd imagine you're not, but - do you use any graphics api stuff for Reaper (DirectX, OpenGL, Vulkan)? Assuming you do, are there any applications you find frame-by-frame rendering useful over standard GDI blits? Assuming you don't, are there any obvious things you'd refactor to use 'heavyweight' rendering? Thanks :)
Asked by jack (146.70.134.x) on October 16 2022, 4:31pm
Reply on October 17 2022, 1:35pm:
    A little bit, but it's also a lot better than the docs for other platforms. It's a lot easier now than it was 25 years ago!

    Re: GDI vs OpenGL -- we use OpenGL for various bits (video renderers and such) but in general drawing to a bitmap and blitting it seems good enough all around.
1 Comment...
Question: so it appears (over time) you are involved in more 1 than musical group,or bands..how does that work exactly? ...+ what you feel being the primary role in each ? (mainly)
Asked by 2022 (2.26.240.x) on October 16 2022, 10:29am
Reply on October 16 2022, 12:58pm:
    They are loosely defined based on who is there and who feels like doing what :)
Question: In the TEMPOENVEX subchunk, could you name what the 10(? with metronome pattern set) PT values mean?
Asked by wasereb4 (93.206.4.x) on October 15 2022, 12:04pm
Reply on October 15 2022, 11:25pm:
    It's the metronome pattern, low 32 bits followed by high 32 bits.
Question: hey!- so after reading some mini dramas about (other softwares not to mention).. to the best of your knowledge.,"is it possible to produce a piece of code,or softwares, that does not have to included mandatory legal licenses,or contractual agreements attached to it"?
Asked by 2022 (2.26.240.x) on October 14 2022, 9:13am
Reply on October 14 2022, 1:11pm:
    It's really in everybody's best interest to define the terms around it, one way or another, otherwise it's full of ambiguity and danger...
1 Comment...
Question: Considering that JSFX is homage to Jesus, in your words "It was an homage to Jesus in respect of his best messages -- to be kind, care for other people, etc." what do you think about some Christian people that are pro-guns and "pro-life" (meaning anti-abort)?
Asked by Aloha! (186.210.28.x) on October 13 2022, 9:55pm
Reply on October 13 2022, 10:21pm:
    I don't approve
Question: Do you think this far right wing wave(Trump, Bolsonaro, Meloni, Boris Johnson...) that took the world by storm in the last 5 -6 years will end soon ? How do you feel about it sympathize/neutral/antagonize with the ideals?
Asked by Aloha! (186.210.95.x) on October 13 2022, 3:29am
Reply on October 13 2022, 12:13pm:
    I hope it ends soon! I can't predict the future. Obviously I think it is a bad thing. Which isn't to say I'm not critical of other (non-fascist) governments, they have their issues that need to be corrected, but they are definitely far less bad.
Question: Hi Justin, how big are you into coffee? Any Plans or already developing software / apps for iphone/android focusing on coffee, music or photography? also how do you feel about big companies trying to get exclusives in podcasting space?
Asked by Heramb (165.225.121.x) on October 12 2022, 6:05am
Reply on October 12 2022, 12:44pm:
    I like coffee but don't feel like it needs anything software-wise. I keep it simple: whole beans, hand grinder, french press. Re: podcasts, I have never gotten in to podcasts, I prefer to listen to music.
1 Comment...
Question: Favorite food you know how to cook
Asked by Aloha! (186.210.92.x) on October 11 2022, 5:42am
Reply on October 11 2022, 9:58pm:
    corn flakes with milk, so good!
1 Comment...
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