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Question: Is there ever any chance for a mactintosh ReaJS plug akin to the PC one? (Or i guess, opensourcing).. using reajs with great success in Bidule/PC but any potential growth of this idea space is necessarily limited to the wintel world. Just asking etc etc thanks for the great work
Asked by Jens (2.248.179.x) on November 15 2022, 10:52am
Reply on November 16 2022, 12:56am:
    Eventually when we open source JSFX someone can do it. It's sort of a pain because there's a fair bit of win32 code in there, and to do a mac port you'd have to static link with some SWELL stuff and it might get messy. Eventually though...
1 Comment...
Question: Have you ever needed to watch a Gioia video to remember how something work?
Asked by WERTTY (200.146.246.x) on November 15 2022, 7:26am
Reply on November 16 2022, 12:56am:
    I haven't I only watch his videos for pleasure
Question: Hai Justin. Is it posible to add a style midi auto accompaniment in reaper?
Asked by Asraf (183.171.141.x) on November 13 2022, 12:13pm
Reply on November 14 2022, 4:10am:
    You could script something
Question: Block! doesn't always update correctly the high score. I just scored 122 but it stopped at 118. It's one of the most important features of Reaper. Please fix!
Asked by Bernie (2.96.191.x) on November 12 2022, 8:51pm
Reply on November 14 2022, 4:08am:
    Hah will look into that.
Question: Could you shed some light on the scale of volume control on MIDI items and how to target it via the API? Some more details forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?t=...
Asked by Buy One (95.135.211.x) on November 12 2022, 6:25pm
Reply on November 14 2022, 4:10am:
    iirc it is the same as audio volume (e.g. 1=unmodified, 0.5=multiply by 0.5, etc).
1 Comment...
Question: Hey Justin, which audio backends do you use for REAPER? I've been looking for something cross-platform that isn't locked with licenses, so far it's looking like supporting xaudio2 initially and adding additional support where needed, I'd assume you'd fairly heavily abstract your sound api? Thanks
Asked by jack (193.32.127.x) on November 11 2022, 9:17pm
Reply on November 12 2022, 3:58am:
    coreaudio/various win32/asio/alsa/jack/etc
Question: First inclination: has-a, is-a or...
Asked by musicalcode (136.226.74.x) on November 11 2022, 3:40am
Reply on November 12 2022, 3:58am:
    hmm for what? code?
1 Comment...
Question: I hope it is ok to ask this here: in REAPER, if i have, for example, 50 tracks with lots of inserts, some with sends to each other, some folders, and all their outputs are being sent to 24 buses. And I use ReaStream/ReaRoute on those buses to send to another DAW. How is the latency compensation calculated? Will audio arrive on perfect time or I should be cautious? I will be running some tests but I'd like to understand how this works a bit more. Also, is Reastream sample-accurate with a cabled LAN? Thanks!
Asked by Ignacio (93.35.165.x) on November 10 2022, 9:40pm
Reply on November 10 2022, 11:03pm:
    definitely better on the forum, but in general reastream isn't really good for this. If you do it, make a single 64 channel reastream instance, send everything to that, then have that send to the other place.
Question: hey justin- are you aware or keeping up with serato "stem" tech? a few other wares are doing this-- its probably some fft thing which will seperate music into its composition parts..drums,vocals,melody,bass.. could cockos champion this idea?? primer here> ( youtu.be/J2L5jyiuT7A)
Asked by 2022 (91.110.225.x) on November 9 2022, 6:13pm
Reply on November 9 2022, 6:19pm:
    I've seen it yeah, but not terribly interested
Question: Is Cockos on vacation?
Asked by Optional Marquee (186.210.31.x) on November 9 2022, 8:35am
Reply on November 9 2022, 6:19pm:
    Nope, busy with things though
Question: Favorite sonic youth album ?
Asked by Just Asking (66.115.146.x) on November 8 2022, 4:40am
Reply on November 8 2022, 8:09pm:
    Hard to say! I don't think I've listened to all of them. And how to pick a favorite? So hard with art... ;)
Question: #American reacts to bonfire / guy fawkes night < < any you guys do this in your area?
Asked by 2022 (91.110.225.x) on November 6 2022, 6:10pm
Reply on November 7 2022, 12:20pm:
    Not that I know of
Question: Which time in a day you feel tired the most? For me, it's around 5 PM. Very laziness that time haha
Asked by Abhi (27.58.118.x) on November 5 2022, 11:36am
Reply on November 6 2022, 12:22am:
    I’m in it right now… 8:30-9pm, bedtime is near
Question: Favorite steve earle album ?
Asked by Just Asking (45.133.181.x) on November 3 2022, 10:57pm
Reply on November 4 2022, 3:05pm:
    can't say I've listened to any!
1 Comment...
Question: would you sell REAPER to Elon Musk for 44B?
Asked by A tree (186.210.24.x) on November 3 2022, 6:23am
Reply on November 3 2022, 9:52pm:
    I would like to say that I wouldn't, but it would be so obviously an over-valuation that it would be hard to pass up. But I wouldn't keep the money.
Question: Is it in your plans to have a UX/UI/Workflow redesign for Reaper 7.x? I love Reaper, I have a full license, but it would be amazing to have it more natively integrated with extensions and redesigned visually....Impossible to explain without making references to other DAWs :)
Asked by Leandro Alvarez (104.158.4.x) on November 2 2022, 3:48pm
Reply on November 2 2022, 11:13pm:
    redesign, no, but we'll keep evolving it as to not require anybody to have major adaptation issues.
Question: I'm curious as a pedestrian n00b why it's important for the license to say cockos always maintains ownership? ELI5?
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on November 2 2022, 1:16pm
Reply on November 2 2022, 1:28pm:
    Ownership has a lot of rights associated with it! If you owned REAPER itself, you could do a million things, like sell copies to other people.
Question: so,would LOVE to purchase some more cockos licenses (i mean,who wouldnt) but on slightly different terms of agreement-- is any license negotiable,or non.?
Asked by 2022 (95.145.189.x) on November 1 2022, 5:56pm
Reply on November 1 2022, 8:08pm:
    you can email support with your requested changes but you should include the explanation for the changes, and we might consider it, though as our terms are very reasonable and widely accepted we might also not.
Question: Did you have a good Halloween? did you dress up?
Asked by Mike (173.239.197.x) on November 1 2022, 10:58am
Reply on November 1 2022, 3:12pm:
    I dressed up as middle-aged man in a hoodie. I voted, and they gave me candy.
Question: Is JSFX going to be open sourced soon? I recall reading this somewhere
Asked by Francesco (5.91.145.x) on October 30 2022, 3:14pm
Reply on October 30 2022, 10:32pm:
    It's on my to-do list, but there are some things I want to do first.
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