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Question: Is drinking one whole glass of coffee harmful?
Asked by Abhi (223.190.14.x) on December 3 2022, 8:06am
Reply on December 4 2022, 4:13pm:
    Depends on how big the glass is, I'd think! I drink coffee daily so hopefully it's not too harmful ;)
Question: Justin, do you use plugins besides ReaPlugs and JSFX? If so, which plugins and developers do you enjoy?
Asked by Jonah (172.251.230.x) on December 2 2022, 9:48pm
Reply on December 2 2022, 11:40pm:
    Occasionally I will use Pianoteq which is amazing!
Question: What is the decision you made when you first started developing REAPER that you are most happy about?
Asked by Levy (118.211.166.x) on December 1 2022, 1:59am
Reply on December 2 2022, 9:03pm:
    Most happy about? no idea. Not giving up on it, probably ;)
1 Comment...
Question: how many projects you have ongoing? (not just programming)
Asked by XXXY (189.112.245.x) on November 30 2022, 12:12am
Reply on November 30 2022, 3:04pm:
    Not sure I really keep count
Question: How do you feel about an API that accepts and compiles/executes code blindly?
Asked by Mike (198.84.181.x) on November 28 2022, 10:56pm
Reply on November 30 2022, 3:04pm:
    Need more context
Question: How could it be possible that VST plugins do not double CPU calculation (calculating identical L and R) on tracks that contains only mono media items ? (like vocal tracks or any mono microphone track like BD, snare, guitar, bass, etc...)
Asked by binbinhfr (86.211.250.x) on November 28 2022, 9:37pm
Reply on November 30 2022, 3:07pm:
    There are a few answers to this:
    • You can detect mono signals and treat them as such
    • On modern CPUs with SIMD you can often parallelize stuff for free
    • Even without SIMD, with modern superscalar CPUs you can often parallelize stuff for nearly free
    • Even without the above things, a lot of times there is shared work. E.g. a compressor would (often) only have one envelope for the combined signal...
Question: So you are both a software developer and a full-stack web developer?
Asked by Human (enter yes) (182.64.182.x) on November 28 2022, 2:40pm
Reply on November 28 2022, 4:34pm:
    My web-development stack is very short
Question: I was think about more long term projects and big new features you have in mind...
Asked by binbinhfr (132.169.16.x) on November 28 2022, 12:39pm
Reply on November 28 2022, 4:36pm:
    Stuff, here and there...
Question: I'll continue in the same subject: Is/could CLAP plugins be more processor effective/lighter on the CPU than VST plugins?
Asked by MS_from_Sweden (82.100.127.x) on November 28 2022, 12:42am
Reply on November 28 2022, 4:36pm:
    In cases where one or more plug-ins need internal multiprocessing, then the thread pool extension can help things for sure. It would be trivial to add a similar extension to VST, though. Other than that, approximately equal.
Question: I have no knowledge of VST plugin technicalities. Is/could VST3 plugins be more processor effective/lighter on the CPU than VST2's?
Asked by MS_from_Sweden (82.100.127.x) on November 27 2022, 2:14am
Reply on November 27 2022, 3:41am:
    Best possible scenario if you used all of the features available (silence reporting etc), very very slightly in some circumstances. But I'd say negligible.
Question: When you guys pull a dev feature is it temporary like to work on it more, or maybe not the right time or are they long lost? e.g. container items, just curious, since it's thought and work put in to just scrap. Is this breaking the do not ask about these rule? It's more on the what do you do on those cases side of things
Asked by Alex (187.213.108.x) on November 26 2022, 7:40pm
Reply on November 27 2022, 12:43am:
    It depends, usually it would be because we don't like the implementation and we'd probably want to redesign it. I can't say anything about that specific thing though because I don't really know.
Question: How many sounds are possible to design with any synth (massive, diva or any)?
Asked by Synthwave (171.48.3.x) on November 26 2022, 4:13pm
Reply on November 27 2022, 12:43am:
Question: heyo- have you much real "belief" in the bodies natural quasi_electrical chakra system? chinese medicines,wholistic healing modalities... etcetc?
Asked by 2022 (95.145.189.x) on November 24 2022, 1:25pm
Reply on November 24 2022, 3:27pm:
    Not sure what it is, though obviously things like acupuncture do things (especially dry needling hah!), and the body is incredibly complex so it makes sense that there would be complex interactions. Not sure to what extent it is understood by any system, though if people find patterns they are likely useful.
1 Comment...
Question: Hello Justin. Walking through your vast library of musical creations, I have the impression that in this field you are looking for the opposite of what the activity of coding forces you to achieve. There is a taste of unfinished business that haunts your musical production. You invoke music for what it has to give of true in its imperfection, in its non-programmatic way, right ? Since these two opposing activities, each one in their own radical way, must cancel each other out, how do you arbitrate this ?
Asked by OedipeMess (91.170.55.x) on November 24 2022, 8:54am
Reply on November 24 2022, 3:25pm:
    Perhaps the yin and the yang? Perhaps there are more similarities than differences, in that they are always in a state of evolution and improvement etc etc.
1 Comment...
Question: Do you think this can improve Reaper testing? github.com/facebookexperimental/hermitdevelopers.facebook.com/blog/post/...
Asked by Vital (195.191.162.x) on November 23 2022, 9:30pm
Reply on November 24 2022, 3:25pm:
    Interesting, probably not though
Question: Do you think it's good to do masters in the age of 35-40?
Asked by Asked by (182.68.228.x) on November 22 2022, 3:25pm
Reply on November 22 2022, 7:14pm:
Question: Is JSFX derived from the SPS plugin for Winamp?
Asked by Kevin (152.172.161.x) on November 22 2022, 6:56am
Reply on November 22 2022, 7:13pm:
    It is conceptually similar and was based on the same zlib-licensed EEL library that we made for AVS, but other than that initial library it doesn't share anything else.
Question: Who do you think are included in the Hall of Fame of indie plugin developers?
Asked by Leandro Alvarez (104.158.4.x) on November 21 2022, 6:31pm
Reply on November 21 2022, 9:45pm:
Question: heylo- is whitetie learning any code tips from yourself,or schwa? ..if so* how they doing in the pixellab right now? seeing good progress there?
Asked by 2022 (95.145.189.x) on November 21 2022, 11:30am
Reply on November 21 2022, 2:33pm:
    He's been writing some awesome ReaScripts yeah! Not sure about pixellab or what that is.
Question: Do you use Assembler/machine code in REAPER's code (besides C/C++)?
Asked by wasereb4 (79.246.90.x) on November 21 2022, 1:50am
Reply on November 21 2022, 2:33pm:
    Not really, though we do in some places like EEL2 (which generates assembler from JSFX), and the sinc resampling uses SSE3 intrinsics which is more or less assembler with C syntax.
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