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hey jf- in your mind, is there any benefits for using 32bit integers rather than 32bfp? reasons? (ie: rearouting audio) ta
Asked by 2024 (86.185.199.x) on April 29 2024, 12:23pm
Reply on April 29 2024, 1:08pm:
There are some theoretical scenarios that could be advantageous but for real life I'd say 32FP is the way to go. The reason we offer 32I is for compatibility with software that doesn't support 32FP.
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would you ever consider taking a programming course if it means it could make reaper better in some way?
Asked by Jonston Frendall (187.213.1.x) on April 28 2024, 5:13pm
Reply on April 29 2024, 2:00am:
I'd have to do a holistic cost/benefit analysis which would include the time/effort/interest/enjoyment of such a thing. Hard to imagine, though.
How's life treating ya jf
Asked by Matthew (76.37.54.x) on April 28 2024, 7:46am
Reply on April 29 2024, 2:00am:
Not bad not bad
Hey Justin, I've been a huge fan from the Winamp era. I recently stumbled upon one of your answers where you shared that not having kids has been a part of your approach to a long-lasting marriage. It's an interesting perspective, especially considering the global trends on shrinking population. Given your successful career and the your life filled with outdoor adventures, music, reading, and meaningful work, I'm quite intrigued. Would you be willing to share a bit more about your decision not to have kids?
Asked by mike (128.77.51.x) on April 27 2024, 12:17am
Reply on April 27 2024, 12:58pm (edited at April 27 2024, 1:00pm):
That was sort of a joke (its effect on our marriage) but not sure what else there is to share other than to say that it was always an obvious preference for both of us. So it wasn't a decision that was contemplated at length, it was a natural conclusion that I have not yet regretted.
Re the global trends mentioned in the question: I don't think the global population is decreasing yet, but the growth is slowing (so if the trends continue, it would decrease at some point).
Do you have fear biking around NY ? Whenever I do more distant pedals around my city I am a little scared because of the caos cars make, also some drivers dont give a damn about cyclist. Fortunately nothing happened until today, but I am always hearing some tragic news have you ever got into some accident, is close to someone that got into one?
Asked by Fuck Cars (186.210.31.x) on April 25 2024, 9:22pm
Reply on April 25 2024, 10:11pm (edited at April 25 2024, 10:12pm):
On the plus side, usually (if you pick your route right) the cars aren't moving so fast, so there's that. For whatever reason I'm not too afraid, the few times I've fallen on a bike haven't involved cars. The last year or so I've been walking most of my miles instead of riding, for the time on my feet. Doing around 80 miles of walk+run per week now, and it feels good.
Why does Winamp 5.9.2 on Windows use 2% CPU when idle?
Asked by Marcus (176.5.0.x) on April 25 2024, 7:07pm
Reply on April 25 2024, 7:50pm:
doing idle stuff, I'm sure. Probably calling Sleep(1) at times...
Did you see the Physical Winamp (part 1) Dirk de la Hunt on YouTube that went up yesterday? Pretty neat.
Asked by Michael Dean (65.38.48.x) on April 25 2024, 4:16pm
Reply on April 25 2024, 7:50pm:
hah cute
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Do you follow any particular tech blog for new skill acquisition? How do you stay on top of what's happening in the DSP world for example?
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on April 25 2024, 3:29pm
Reply on April 25 2024, 7:50pm:
no but I sometimes read Raymond Chen's blog, and hacker news.
hey jf- for you,what is the actual "meaning of life"?
Asked by 2024 (81.151.173.x) on April 24 2024, 10:32am
Reply on April 24 2024, 3:08pm:
no idea, thus we continue
Do you telecommute with Schwa everytime a build is made? Would it be possible that both of you uploaded one at the same time on landoleet?
Asked by Albi (77.8.20.x) on April 23 2024, 6:26pm
Reply on April 23 2024, 7:54pm:
Some coordination is usually done ("ready for a build?") but the builds happen via git and automatic infrastructure, which manages race conditions.
Reaper/Reaper Lite for iPadOS?
Asked by MKBHD (104.243.213.x) on April 23 2024, 6:11pm
Reply on April 23 2024, 7:54pm:
Have you checked out the new Pearl Jam album yet? Thoughts?
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on April 23 2024, 4:13pm
Reply on April 23 2024, 7:55pm:
I stopped paying attention after the first couple...
Hey, what technology do you use on a daily basis? Like computers to dev, music, personal use, phone, speakers, headphones, keyboard, mouse, etc.?
Asked by Rano (103.171.247.x) on April 23 2024, 3:31am
Reply on April 23 2024, 7:57pm:
various computers for dev (usually M1 MBA or a 2015 rMBP w/ thunderbolt display and external keyboard (original MS natural kb) mouse (cheapo whatever), but also sometimes a Windows laptop or linux thinkpad or linux DAW box). iphone 11 pro for phone stuff. Various headphones and speakers. When talking on the phone or riding the train I'll use some 2nd gen airpod pro, which are pretty fantastic.
It's possible to create hudden water marks on digital images. I think that would be possible with audio too. Could we? Should we?
Asked by Ian the The (165.225.94.x) on April 22 2024, 11:41am
Reply on April 22 2024, 2:47pm:
It is definitely possible and already done regularly afaik. Could/should, meh? I wouldn't bother.
When did you first start being interested in birds and how many species have you seen? Completely different tack, have you tried a Moka pot/Bialetti for coffee? I've been traveling in Italy recently and I don't know if I'll be able to go back to the French Press, the moka pot is just so much better.
Asked by Mark Y (93.45.64.x) on April 22 2024, 8:54am
Reply on April 22 2024, 2:46pm:
Decades ago I had a little interest and bought a nice 400mm lens, then I forgot about it until recently, after having moved near Prospect Park in Brooklyn. Also a few years ago I was on the coast in California and appreciated some of the birds there (Godwits and Wimbrels and such). Not really keeping track of the counts, but probably (guessing) 15 in Prospect Park so far...
Re: moka pot, yeah, I've used them. I feel like every few years my tastes change and I go a different route. But I like all coffee (though I prefer not-too-dark roasts).
Can I use reaper for free for my songs on streaming platforms? I have a small audience
Asked by southxavyy (176.221.125.x) on April 21 2024, 6:22am
Reply on April 21 2024, 4:26pm:
If you produce them all within the 60-day evaluation period, yeah! ;)
Do you think you'll ever produce another project / program that recaptures the spirit of the late 90s early 2000s?
Asked by Jesse (100.8.74.x) on April 19 2024, 11:22pm
Reply on April 21 2024, 1:20am:
Hah I dunno no plans
hey jf- do you think modern societies are putting too much emphasis on "individuals" rather than actual local or global "communities" these days? (do you feel a real part of any local or national community for eg) ta.
Asked by 2024 (81.151.173.x) on April 19 2024, 9:33pm
Reply on April 21 2024, 1:21am:
I dunno, communities are composed of individuals. The communities I'm a part of are self-organizing and not purely geographic.
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Hi Justin! Would you mind describing exactly how JSFX resolves its imports? It seems to search fx folder recursively, but also ignores path "part" that doesn't exist? Thanks :)
Asked by Souf (37.166.128.x) on April 17 2024, 11:30am
Reply on April 17 2024, 1:32pm (edited at April 17 2024, 1:33pm):
If you specify a relative_path, e.g a/b/c.jsfx-inc: it first looks for path_of_calling_code/a/b/c.jsfx-inc, then path_of_calling_code/b/c.jsfx-inc then path_of_calling_code/c.jsfx-inc.
If you specify a filename only, e.g. c.jsfx-inc, it first looks in path_of_calling_code/c.jsfx-inc.
If the above paths are not found, then it does a recursive search of the JSFX Effects directory for the file in question, ignoring any relative path. The recursive search is a bit random in the order, if you have foo/c.jsfx-inc and foo/bar/way/down/deep/c.jsfx-inc, it could return either depending on the filesystem. (IMO this isn't ideal, it would be nicer if it always returned foo/c.jsfx-inc in that case, but alas...)
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why does the midi editor act differently when docked vs undocked? it feels faster when docked. Just really curious.
Asked by 8008135 (187.213.11.x) on April 17 2024, 4:40am
Reply on April 17 2024, 1:27pm:
Depends on the OS, I guess, but when undocked the updates don't have to get integrated into a more complex window hierarchy which might have more compositing...
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