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Question: I’ve encountered an issue with how REAPER handles the `description` field in iXML metadata, specifically that it stores it in multiple formats. This has been causing errors when I try to use atldotnet with REAPER-generated files. After discussing this with others, it seems that this approach doesn’t fully conform to the iXML spec. Here's a link to the related issue on GitHub: [GitHub Issue - atldotnet](github.com/Zeugma440/atldotnet/iss.... Could you share some insight on why this is done?
Asked by Jinghua Song (172.104.174.x) on September 12 2024, 2:03am
Reply on September 12 2024, 11:25am:
    Got your email about this too, we'll look into it.
Question: What do you think which is harder, a solo indie software developer or a solo indie game developer?
Asked by Indieeeeee again! (223.190.213.x) on September 11 2024, 5:28pm
Reply on September 11 2024, 7:13pm:
    I've only really done one of them (though for a small fraction of my career, at this point I've been working with others for so soo long yay), so I have no idea.
Question: hey jf- when you are pushing close to your maximum physical efforts..pure exhaustion..& are on the verge of giving up...do you have any type of mantra,or super positive affirmations/ ideas/ beliefs that gets you to a goal?
Asked by 2024 (81.159.206.x) on September 8 2024, 6:38pm
Reply on September 8 2024, 10:04pm:
    Lucky for me these are always things I've chosen to do, so I'll just remind myself of that. And because of that I'm as happy as I can be, despite the discomfort.
1 Comment...
Question: There is while loop like this while (a<b); { //statements }. There is semicolon in while loop, terminating that loop, and the compiler completely ignores that loop. What is the usage of this? Can you give any example where this terminated loop is used?
Asked by Abhi (182.69.60.x) on September 6 2024, 8:16am
Reply on September 7 2024, 1:41am (edited at September 7 2024, 1:45am):
    so that semicolon terminates the while, so what you have is essentially this:
    while (a < b) { }
    { /* statements */ }
    which is probably not what you intended!

    But I see that you're saying the compiler ignores the loop. Well, if you have a loop that the compiler determines never exits, it is considered undefined behavior (UB) and for optimization purposes, since the loop has no side effects, the compiler is allowed to completely remove the loop.
Question: So basically, if you have to introduce yourself to someone, you will say your occupation as Indie Software Developer?
Asked by Indieeeeee (122.177.210.x) on September 4 2024, 4:21pm
Reply on September 4 2024, 6:29pm (edited at September 4 2024, 9:26pm):
    usually just go with programmer (but ISD seems like a more pretentious way to present it if I feel so inclined lol)
Question: hey jf- after seeing the billionth shootout video for xyz versus zyx daw "sound engines" (LOL) is there really a conclusive way,without any doubts finally (lol) to put this topic to sleep?
Asked by 2024 (86.128.120.x) on September 4 2024, 3:59pm
Reply on September 4 2024, 6:30pm:
    This is the internet we're talking about, of course not
1 Comment...
Question: The current implementation of safe variants for tolower/toupper/etc in wdltypes.h causes collisions with xlocale header of STL similarly with what happened with min/max years ago, maybe a similar approach to wdl_min/wdl_max should be followed with a wdl_ prefix or an option to disable those? If there is a possibility to do something about it :)
Asked by Gio (79.130.177.x) on September 4 2024, 5:54am
Reply on September 4 2024, 1:52pm:
    Ah doh, yeah. tweaking that
1 Comment...
Question: Hmm, i32_to_double() produces a downcast warning when the type is float. I think a cast of type T is required there, yes?
Asked by Gio (79.130.191.x) on September 1 2024, 7:08am
Reply on September 1 2024, 11:32am:
    Yeah I suppose, we don't use it for float, done.
1 Comment...
Question: Want to ask me a question ?
Asked by AskMe (185.107.56.x) on September 1 2024, 2:48am
Reply on September 1 2024, 11:33am:
    I'm good thanks
Question: Hi, it seems you talk a lot about things being super difficult in Windows (from a programming perspective), it's like a recurring theme here and on REAPER forums. What is the reason for that? Is there some historical background for such a difference in "ease of use" between Win/Unix/MacOS? Also, if it's so difficult, why make WDL based on Windows and not Unix? I'm curious about those intricacies. Thanks for feeding the curious here :)
Asked by smandrap (188.12.128.x) on August 29 2024, 12:15pm
Reply on August 29 2024, 12:33pm (edited at August 29 2024, 12:41pm):
Question: Hey jf, about certificates. Specifically for signing both MacOS and Windows binaries. What certificate authority do you recommend? I thought about applying for one on ssl.com, DigiCert, and GlobalSign. Though they are crazy expensive.
Asked by Matthew (184.52.122.x) on August 28 2024, 12:00pm
Reply on August 28 2024, 6:04pm (edited at August 28 2024, 8:02pm):
    I've been using ssl.com and it's expensive yeah. Getting an EV is the way to go, only incrementally more but saves you from having to build reputation. On the Apple side, it's all through Apple, so you end up paying them the $99/year for the privilege. :/
Question: HI JF, my name is also JF. Do people truly deserve anything in life? From a more focused perspective, how do you feel about A.I. replacing humans in the realm of creativity and art? As you age, do you feel more connected or less connected with the world and people around you? Thank you.
Asked by JFKeh (24.203.182.x) on August 28 2024, 5:25am
Reply on August 28 2024, 6:05pm:
    What does it mean to deserve? I don't think LLM etc can replace humans for art since they are just models of humanity. Art isn't all about the result anyway, it's about the process and the how and the why. As far as connections to others, I don't know, I guess it's the same but in a different way as time goes on?
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Question: flqs.bandcamp.com/album/war-measuresThe calculation at the top I don't get. Even if it's binary (what I thought) it's wrong no? Do you get it?
Asked by wasereb4 (95.90.106.x) on August 27 2024, 11:06pm
Reply on August 28 2024, 6:13pm:
    if we take it to be:
    then that could be any base B (2 or 10, doesn't matter):
      (B+1)*(B-1) = B*B + 1
    which if we multiply out the left side we get:
      B*B -1 = B*B + 1
    So yeah that wouldn't make any sense. lol.
Question: When hosting vst2 on windows, I run them all in high dpi mode. Plugins with scaling option in their gui are crisp and okay. What about plugins which don’t have scaling option or high dpi support?
Asked by Ruchira (123.231.104.x) on August 26 2024, 1:59pm
Reply on August 26 2024, 7:19pm:
    hidpi support on Windows is a huge complicated thing for applications that support plug-ins. There are a handful of DPI-awareness modes that can be enabled (see REAPER's advanced prefs control for this, as a start), and each has subtleties that need to get dealt with...
Question: Thanks for doing the Dawbench podcast again. Super interesting!
Asked by mlprod (185.81.111.x) on August 26 2024, 8:07am
Reply on August 26 2024, 7:19pm:
    My pleasure!
Question: hey jf- (with many global data breaches becoming apparent) have you been on the wrong side of any type of online scams or fraud attacks either in business, or, privately?
Asked by 2024 (86.136.229.x) on August 24 2024, 1:21pm
Reply on August 24 2024, 6:09pm:
    Not yet, *knocks on wood*
Question: do you think ReaLimit is the best limiter , i guess if you had to choose 1.. extra features aside
Asked by mike s (100.1.67.x) on August 24 2024, 12:24am
Reply on August 24 2024, 6:09pm:
    I don't spend a lot of (or any, really) time thinking about limiters, sorry! ;)
Question: As a president/benevolent dictator of Cockos Inc., what's your stance on gender representation and unionization?
Asked by Sunblister (147.161.165.x) on August 22 2024, 6:29pm
Reply on August 22 2024, 8:38pm:
    I don't have a stance, exactly... but if you have a specific question...
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Question: whats your thought on Terry A. Davis?
Asked by ape din (188.172.108.x) on August 22 2024, 3:00pm
Reply on August 22 2024, 8:39pm:
    Viewed as art, TempleOS is pretty neat.
Question: Can you buy bitwig for the modulation system?
Asked by MadMcMan (136.226.63.x) on August 21 2024, 2:21pm
Reply on August 22 2024, 11:13am:
    no, but you can
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