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Question: Do you regret selling nullsoft to AOL?
Asked by Josh (72.228.153.x) on October 3 2024, 12:03am
Reply on October 3 2024, 1:30am (edited at October 3 2024, 1:33am):
    nah it was a good deal! I regret not buying it back for a fraction of the sale price though. Not that I would've done anything with it, but at least it would have been free. Just didn't feel like dealing with lawyers and contracts at the time, figured it would be too much of a distraction from REAPER dev. Which to be fair it probably would have been.
Question: Why am I always tired when my kids wake me up, but completely awake when I'm supposed to sleep? and How do you change from a night owl to a morning person?
Asked by Derek (188.90.45.x) on October 2 2024, 10:07pm
Reply on October 3 2024, 1:32am:
    I dunno, I really like the mornings too but when I force myself to get up for them I end up sleep deprived too. Closest I get is to exercise a bunch which gets me sleepy earlier in the evening, but even then getting to bed in time is difficult.
Question: hey you seen how they massacred your boy winamp?
Asked by josh (72.228.153.x) on October 2 2024, 5:40pm
Reply on October 2 2024, 9:49pm:
    hah I probably was part of the initial decline too ;)
Question: hey jf- do you think time creates space..or space creates time...OR..in actual reality they are both very poor descriptions of what is actually manifesting by us,,or FOR us??
Asked by 2024 (86.185.199.x) on October 1 2024, 12:50pm
Reply on October 1 2024, 2:09pm:
    Can water be wet? Does a planet fly? Are these semantic questions that depend on language more than anything?
Question: You wake up tomorrow and it's September 1998. You know everything you know in 2024. What are some of the biggest things you'd immediately do differently?
Asked by Alec (174.205.97.x) on October 1 2024, 12:35am
Reply on October 1 2024, 11:49am:
    I'd start PT for my 1996-era injuries and get running ASAP... everything else, shrug
Question: If - for whatever reason - you were to stop developing Reaper, would you release the code?
Asked by Stefan (79.219.84.x) on September 30 2024, 5:51pm
Reply on September 30 2024, 5:55pm:
    Hard to say, but I definitely would release the code before it became abandonware.
Question: Hey jf, my retention is pretty bad for specific-domain, and 'set and forget cold code paths' best practices, APIs, etc. e.g I'll work for weeks with Win32, then 8mo later I'll only remember fragments and have to relearn 60% again (granted, much quicker). Do you have this problem, any tips? Thanks!
Asked by mishima (185.209.199.x) on September 30 2024, 10:10am
Reply on September 30 2024, 1:46pm:
    yeah mine's also not great, but if you can refer to your own code it's helpful lol. and bonus points if you can read your old code
Question: Hi Justin! Are we going to get post-fader-FX-inserts in Reaper in the near future like in Ardour, Cubase FLStudio etc? Thanks for all the great work!
Asked by Rich (90.229.152.x) on September 30 2024, 9:31am
Reply on September 30 2024, 1:46pm (edited at September 30 2024, 1:47pm):
    maybe but see the note above. anyway you have unlimited routing
Question: Could you please make 1014.org more uptodate in terms of ux?
Asked by Fred Brooker (37.48.9.x) on September 29 2024, 10:07am
Reply on September 30 2024, 12:09am:
    hmm any specific requests?
1 Comment...
Question: Wanna go get a burrito?
Asked by Tom P (98.210.149.x) on September 29 2024, 9:15am
Reply on September 30 2024, 12:08am:
    I just did, and it was satisfying
Question: what is the best vst limiter and why?
Asked by mike v (100.1.67.x) on September 29 2024, 1:56am
Reply on September 30 2024, 12:08am:
    I just use ReaLimit but that's obv not a real VST
Question: Since the source code of Winamp was posted to GitHub, I took a cursory dive into the part I've always been curious about (how the main vis is drawn) and was surprised to find a variable that holds the image data generated, and I wonder, was this easier to do than using what GDI provided? Optimization? For shits'n'giggles? If you remember, I would love to know what the intent was
Asked by Eris Lund (93.215.146.x) on September 28 2024, 9:08am
Reply on September 28 2024, 6:18pm:
    Give me a link to the code you're talking about (in the comment here) and I'll take a look heh
Question: What would be cost to make this page vs the forum in the reaper website? or timwise how much time did it take to make this page vs the reaper forum? are there free templates to do these things? or is it from scratch, thanks!
Asked by Orieo (128.199.51.x) on September 27 2024, 4:34pm
Reply on September 27 2024, 7:03pm:
    this page is a small php script I made, not sure how you'd quantify the cost but it's a few programmer hours of work, maybe a dozen or so? and the forum is a big off the shelf thing called vbulletin, which you can buy.
Question: dumbest platform-specific hack/workaround?
Asked by silent (199.188.121.x) on September 27 2024, 12:27pm
Reply on September 27 2024, 7:04pm:
    heck if I know
Question: Now that somebody accidentally put Winamp's github page to public, your old code is now available for us all to gaze upon. What percentage of that code is actually written by you? And is the code style similar to how REAPER is written?
Asked by Florian (94.105.110.x) on September 26 2024, 7:50pm
Reply on September 26 2024, 8:48pm:
    umm I don’t think it was accidental? anyway, most of that code is not mine, and REAPER and Winamp have little in common. WDL has more of my modern style though even a lot of it is 20ish years old at this point heh
Question: Aren't you glad you turned down all those invitations to the Diddy parties?
Asked by Mommy (146.70.45.x) on September 26 2024, 12:42am
Reply on September 26 2024, 1:25pm:
    oof :(
Question: I've kept hearing that you apparently open sourced/some parts of Winamp 3, but I can't find it anywhere, would you know where to look? Thanks a lot!
Asked by James (62.167.72.x) on September 25 2024, 7:40pm
Reply on September 25 2024, 11:20pm:
Question: hey jf- some people over here have a term "on your toes" (or,leg it) for when 1 is running....or, running away from something..... > do you find when running you are using more with a flat foot,or literally more "on your toes" ? (like for speed sprinting)
Asked by 2024 (31.126.233.x) on September 25 2024, 3:03pm
Reply on September 25 2024, 11:21pm (edited at September 25 2024, 11:22pm):
    "on your toes" to me means "ready for the unexpected" or whatnot. but in general I mostly run on my forefoot (landing on the ball of the foot, then heel coming down), except when I get tired then I tend to heel-strike. Not much of a sprinter, though, if I do 200m intervals I'm looking at about 37s a pop (if I treated it as a one-off could probably do 32s, guessing?), ran a mile in 5:22 recently...
Question: Hey Justin, I’m a developer who lives in SF (mostly in the video space). I’m working on some project in my spare time and was wondering about what your like “best practices” are for audio playback these days in terms of buffering, audio subsystems, thread scheduling etc. if you’re open to meeting for coffee or a drink I would love to buy one for you. I promise this is not me trying to pitch you anything LOL
Asked by Jonas (146.75.154.x) on September 25 2024, 12:22am
Reply on September 25 2024, 11:49am:
    Nah, I'm in NY anyway these days
Question: Now that WinAMP's source has been officially released, do you have any desire to hack new badass features in? github.com/WinampDesktop/winamp
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on September 24 2024, 2:39pm
Reply on September 24 2024, 5:53pm (edited at September 24 2024, 5:55pm):
    If I did have any desire, it would be extinguished by the license terms, lol. The terms are completely absurd in the way they are written, e.g. "You may not create, maintain, or distribute a forked version of the software." So arguably making any changes would be considered "creating a forked version." But even taking these terms as they are likely intended (which is slightly more permissive than how they are written), they are terrible. No thank you.
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