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Question: Hi, how should Reaper extract multiple audio tracks from a video? Sometimes there are many audio tracks in one video. I've tried various ways of file conversion and rendering.
Asked by nico (112.254.92.x) on January 2 2025, 5:22am
Reply on January 2 2025, 3:36pm:
    easiest thing is probably to reprocess the videos with just the audio track you want using ffmpeg
Question: What was your 2024 resolution, and did you achieve it?
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on December 31 2024, 4:38pm
Reply on December 31 2024, 4:55pm:
    I can't remember if I had one hah
Question: when hosting vst3 plugins, how to convert param id to index?
Asked by Ruchira (175.157.14.x) on December 31 2024, 3:24pm
Reply on December 31 2024, 4:55pm:
    We build a map of parameters by enumerating all of them by index.
Question: hey justin, what ui library are you using for reaper? if it's a custom one written by yourself, any plans to opensource it?
Asked by not jf (57.128.213.x) on December 31 2024, 1:44pm
Reply on December 31 2024, 4:56pm:
    Much of it is rendered by WDL/lice and WDL/wingui, but the WALTER layout stuff is all closed-source (it would take quite a bit of work to make it reusable)
Question: Do you like animation? There's the Arcane series and Dandadan on netflix which have incredible art direction and vision, even though animation could be considered ¨childish¨ I think it's an incredible limitless medium to tell stories and perspectives.
Asked by Justin 2 (187.191.8.x) on December 30 2024, 11:04pm
Reply on December 31 2024, 4:57pm:
    Not a huge fan of animation but sometimes it can be nice, I've heard of Arcane before, maybe eventually will get around to it.
Question: just like reaper shows waveform in media item for audios, can it show images of video item? maybe it can process the entire video and take snaphsots/screenshots and show them in video clip?
Asked by Mio (207.244.71.x) on December 29 2024, 12:35pm
Reply on December 29 2024, 4:03pm:
    I've thought about doing this before (video-peaks, essentially) but have been putting it off
Question: You said you watched Squid Game season 1 and will watch season 2. Do you watch non-English movies/series in English dubbed? Or in their original audio, but adding English subtitles?
Asked by Abhi (106.219.68.x) on December 29 2024, 7:32am
Reply on December 29 2024, 4:03pm:
    100% subtitles, never dubbed audio
Question: Hey justin , do you have a theory on why vst plugins are way ahead of competition GUI wise, we have plugins that are fully interactive beautiful and very snappy and everything can modulate and change everything else , yet we are stuck everywhere else with boring sliders and buttons
Asked by quest (156.195.187.x) on December 28 2024, 10:48pm
Reply on December 29 2024, 4:03pm:
    what's the competition, the rest of REAPER? or other software? or non-VST plug-ins? anyway, meh
Question: REAPER can edit videos. I wonder will it ever edit photos? :D
Asked by O__O (106.219.68.x) on December 28 2024, 8:10pm
Reply on December 29 2024, 4:02pm:
    Hah I suppose you could write single-frame .gif files or something ;)
1 Comment...
Question: For a person who doesn't know about Linux OS, but want to use Linux, which flavor you recommend? Researching saying Ubuntu & Linux Mint are best for newcomers.
Asked by Abhi (106.219.68.x) on December 28 2024, 3:52pm
Reply on December 28 2024, 5:11pm:
    I use Ubuntu and Debian, hard to know what to recommend to someone who hasn't used it before, but they seem to be pretty streamlined for new users.
Question: Interested in watching Squid Game season 2? If watched, do you like it?
Asked by Abhi (106.219.68.x) on December 28 2024, 2:04pm
Reply on December 28 2024, 5:10pm:
    yep will probably watch it soon... season 1 was pretty good
Question: Hi Justin, first of all merry Christmas. I know this question may be redundant so I apologize in advance. id like to implement the same kind of ama as this present page. Is there the code somewhere or should I just extract it into the developer tool of my browser?
Asked by pedra (92.143.39.x) on December 27 2024, 3:21pm
Reply on December 28 2024, 1:42am:
    I haven't published the code to this site, I suppose I could but then everybody would see how crappy the code is so uhhhh
Question: What do you think of this? youtu.be/DYWTw19_8r4
Asked by Rano (113.21.67.x) on December 27 2024, 8:34am
Reply on December 28 2024, 1:44am:
    Started watching but then lost interest
1 Comment...
Question: What do you think ARM's place will be in Windows/Linux going forward? Do you think it'll replace x86 in the mainstream or do you think it will be supported side by side for the foreseeable future? like
Asked by Aaron (172.56.71.x) on December 26 2024, 4:00pm
Reply on December 28 2024, 1:43am:
    Will be interesting to see! I doubt x86_64 is going anywhere but will be good to have both going.
Question: Merry Christmas and I hope you have a great next year!
Asked by Matthew (98.13.80.x) on December 26 2024, 3:42am
Reply on December 28 2024, 1:43am:
    Merry Secular Christmas and HNY!
Question: Merry Christmas for you and your family but also for Cockos' team for being strong and creating high quality software with an unshakeable commitment to programming craft. Your top-3 book list for 2025?
Asked by Gio (94.70.17.x) on December 25 2024, 8:26pm
Reply on December 28 2024, 1:43am:
    Merry Secular Christmas! Top 3 books to recommend you mean? Not sure... Working my way through all of the Le Carré George Smiley books at the moment
Question: Hi, Justin. Merry Christmas! I'm wondering how you celebrate it there today.
Asked by nicoto (39.65.79.x) on December 24 2024, 4:17pm
Reply on December 25 2024, 6:32am (edited at December 25 2024, 6:33am):
    just had a lovely xmas eve dinner with some old friends, tomorrow I will hang out with some family
Question: Hey jf - I don't want to bombard you with countless questions regarding DAWs and how they work under the hood on your site but I do have another question. Data stream management and audio buffers (If those are the correct terms?). But does each track and child track have their own audio buffer and if not, how exactly are each track mixed into a final audio buffer? And also, how exactly does a DAW keep track of each stream within a given session? I am assuming it uses a binary tree, or something else?
Asked by Matthew (98.13.80.x) on December 24 2024, 6:27am
Reply on December 24 2024, 4:05pm:
    Each track probably has various buffers, but in general if you want to render an audio block for the project you'd go through all tracks, render each track to wherever, then sum it to the project mix, etc.
1 Comment...
Question: Do you still feel the Christmas spirit as an adult?
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on December 24 2024, 1:31am
Reply on December 24 2024, 4:30am:
    Shouldn't that spirit be applied year-round?
Question: Would you try using Cosense(scrapbox.io) as a forum for Reaper? I use it always and it's super convenient. I can just put words in brackets and have them link to the page for that word. There's no way to put into words how happy I am...
Asked by Vlzs (221.170.41.x) on December 23 2024, 1:25pm
Reply on December 23 2024, 4:44pm:
    Moving the forum would require a lot of work and we'd want to make sure we're not hurting the experience of existing users, as well as the valuable resources of all of the existing posts... so before we'd ever switch to another forum software a lot of things would have to be figured out. don't know much about that software but I will read about it.
1 Comment...
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