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Question: On the stupidomenter- how do you rate current global humanity levels 0>10?
Asked by 2020 (95.151.177.x) on April 8 2020, 1:21pm
Reply on April 9 2020, 1:42pm:
    It ranges from 0-10, depending on the person
1 Comment...
Question: Have you considered using Walter for extensions? I mean GUI scripts defining a layout and being rendered by reaper itself instead of the extension itself drawing onto the screen. That would allow for UI consistency (and ofcourse can draw anything with gfx if needed just like you can embed a plugin gui into the TCP in reaper6). Was thinking about recently and just on time I stumbled upon this article wiki.c2.com/?EmbedVsExtendwhich seemed interesting
Asked by actondev (83.44.39.x) on April 8 2020, 11:03am
Reply on April 9 2020, 1:42pm:
    I don't love WALTER heh.
Question: Do you want to learn perfect and/or relative pitch? If yes, I suggest you to try David Lucas Burge's SuperCourses. The "perfect pitch can't be learnt" is a myth. I am really developing it now. Can distinguish lots of notes now, very well. Also learning relative pitch and can recognize lots of intervals. And I see that you are into singing also. Why not try Singing Succcess by Brett Manning? It's improving my voice a lot. Even top singers like Taylor Swift, Mariah Carey, Miley Cyrus etc. were/a his students.
Asked by Abhi (182.64.214.x) on April 8 2020, 8:26am
Reply on April 9 2020, 1:42pm:
Question: Hey justin. You got discord?
Asked by David (96.224.215.x) on April 8 2020, 2:21am
Reply on April 9 2020, 1:42pm:
    I'm in a few of them with notifications off but I rarely check on them
Question: hey- what other daws do you have installed to compare or test with? on either mac/windows/linux?
Asked by 2020 (95.151.177.x) on April 7 2020, 1:19pm
Reply on April 7 2020, 1:57pm:
Question: I see in the WDL repo that the eel bindings are present. Could the lua bindings be exposed as well? Was thinking of being able to use a small GUI framework i'm writing in LUA with WDL (outside of reaper - with the gfx)
Asked by actondev (195.206.107.x) on April 7 2020, 10:39am
Reply on April 7 2020, 1:57pm:
    I could look at porting some of those ReaScript-Lua/gfx bindings to be reusable, maybe...
Question: Just like bass is an instrument for low frequencies. There are pianos, guitars, synths, brass etc. mainly for mid frequencies. Is there any dedicated instrument specifically for high frequencies? Not talking about drums, so don't say cymbals ;)
Asked by Abhi (182.64.218.x) on April 7 2020, 5:50am
Reply on April 7 2020, 1:56pm:
    What do you have against drums, they are a real instrument!
Question: Why different logins for Reaper Forum & Reaper Stash?
Asked by Walkmen (178.62.6.x) on April 6 2020, 4:16pm
Reply on April 6 2020, 4:39pm:
    It can be hard to integrate things like that
Question: Do you have a telescope or ever wanted to buy a telescope? If yes, which one you have?
Asked by Abhi (182.68.93.x) on April 5 2020, 4:06pm
Reply on April 5 2020, 10:54pm:
    Nope, but I think it would be cool. I'd have to move somewhere with less light pollution.
Question: Doesn't the Portamento / Slide ever consider reasamplomatic5000? sorry my english ..
Asked by Brayan (190.240.243.x) on April 4 2020, 9:54pm
Reply on April 5 2020, 10:54pm:
    That would be cool, but no promises ever.
Question: Coffee vs. Green Tea
Asked by Enisch (176.88.145.x) on April 4 2020, 6:32pm
Reply on April 5 2020, 10:55pm:
    Coffee, but I do appreciate a nice jasmine tea.
Question: Are you aware of any (F)OSS code to read OMF files?
Asked by Manuel (181.197.234.x) on April 4 2020, 5:52pm
Reply on April 5 2020, 10:55pm:
Question: How do you organize your sounds & samples? / / / and so on...??
Asked by Abhi (182.68.65.x) on April 4 2020, 5:10am
Reply on April 5 2020, 10:55pm:
    I organize recordings but for the most part I don't keep samples.
Question: Are you watching the TV series Homeland?
Asked by Mommy (23.108.51.x) on April 4 2020, 3:38am
Reply on April 5 2020, 10:55pm:
    I saw the first season or so?
Question: have you ever done music tracking/jamming or session mixing with legend kenny gioia?
Asked by 2020 (95.151.177.x) on April 3 2020, 11:31pm
Reply on April 5 2020, 10:55pm:
    Not really no
Question: Two simple questions actually - why REAPER's sampler name is ReaSamplomatic5000? Why not 6000 or 4000 in place of 5000? Also, why not just "ReaSampler"? Another question - why can't we comment here right before you answer here? I was actually waiting for your answer in the previous post of wasereb4 to reply him that you removing "one comment only" was my fault :-P
Asked by Abhi (182.68.230.x) on April 3 2020, 6:44pm
Reply on April 3 2020, 6:53pm:
    Because that's the name of it, and no comments ahead of my replies because otherwise it just becomes a full-featured message board.
Question: Lots of false positive reported for NSIS generated setup. any solutions?
Asked by ruchira (111.223.170.x) on April 3 2020, 3:27pm
Reply on April 3 2020, 3:30pm:
    Not really, other than reporting the false positives to the AV people.
Question: Is there any way to just disable cursor movement from laptop's touchpad? I mean, only tapping on the touchpad (for left click action) and left click and right click buttons (in touch pad) can remain open. I want to turn off the touch pad movement, from which we can move our cursor. Basically, I want to move my laptop's cursor from my bluetooth mouse and left/right click from my touch pad. Or also tapping the touch pad for left click. Is this possible? I have a Windows Lenovo laptop
Asked by CityCat (178.128.57.x) on April 3 2020, 6:56am
Reply on April 3 2020, 3:32pm:
    On my Thinkpad I disable the touchpad via Windows settings, the buttons and eraserhead still work (I use the latter), but I don't think tapping works at that point.
Question: Especially in Windows, when we hover over to the icons, without clicking, take REAPER icons, buttons for example, they glow. Whereas in Mac, they don't glow. When you hover over to the icons, buttons of Mac OS, they don't glow. You just click them and they get activated. Maybe you understand my question. If yes, why some 'glow' while others not? Also, a little suggestion for you. You can remove that 'glow' thing. It might reduce your work a bit? You don't have to work much on icons and buttons in REAPER.
Asked by Abhi (182.64.162.x) on April 2 2020, 4:56pm
Reply on April 3 2020, 3:33pm:
    Hmm they do that on macOS too, but not when another application has focus? maybe that's what you're noticing?
Question: After watching a typical alien invasion movies, flying ships and destroying buildings, yes. Have you ever dreamt the same, maybe like, a space ship is haunting you and you are running away from it? It often happens to me. I think I should temporarily stop watching these alien movies, haha.
Asked by Abhi (182.64.162.x) on April 2 2020, 4:49am
Reply on April 3 2020, 3:31pm:
    Not that I can remember
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