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Question: Why was the Reaper forum lounge removed without reason.
Asked by Suleiman (149.167.129.x) on April 14 2020, 11:43pm
Reply on April 15 2020, 4:37am (edited at April 15 2020, 4:39am):
    It was not removed without reason, but it's complicated and really shouldn't be discussed here (nor there).
Question: Hey- considering all the users that code using reaper,both jsfx+lua+whatever else,"have you learnt much from all the different people that write all these different scripts? +ever thought of adding any as standard,default features?" (i imagine the code now *belongs* to you+company)
Asked by 2020 (95.151.177.x) on April 14 2020, 11:33pm
Reply on April 15 2020, 4:37am:
    The code of people who write scripts/jsfx/etc does not belong to us, it belongs to them! It is often inspiring to see what people do, though! Some very good code out there.
1 Comment...
Question: I want to convert some videos, which are very huge in file-size. I read that we can convert them to a particular lower bit-rate which can drastically reduce file-size without reducing their quality. Is 512 kbps good for a normal HD video in 30 fps? One of my video bitrate is 2514 kbps. So, will I lose significant quality iin video if I reduce it to 512 kbps bitrate?
Asked by Abhi (122.161.81.x) on April 13 2020, 9:56am
Reply on April 14 2020, 12:35am:
    It depends a lot on the content of the video.
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Question: Hello, Hope you are doing well.My question is regarding remotely Audio recording through reaper.Some of my friends are in other cities (they have the studio equipment) and I want to Record them and operate DAW (reaper installed in there PC) from my place, For operating I found the solution by Teamviewer but with teamviewer I cannot listen the Audio in DAW (when Audio Interface is connected), when I change the drivers to asio4all then I listen the Audio but with that settings I cannot record them.
Asked by Amitoj Singh (103.217.123.x) on April 13 2020, 1:53am
Reply on April 14 2020, 12:34am:
    This would be a better discussion to have on the forums! Or email support at cockos dot com if that does't work.
Question: Is your wife also into music making and/or programming stuffs? If not, have you ever tried to teach her? If yes, has she wrote a bit of code for REAPER or helped you sometimes for your own music you upload in your 1014 website?
Asked by Amy Lee (178.128.57.x) on April 12 2020, 3:23pm
Reply on April 12 2020, 3:33pm (edited at April 12 2020, 4:08pm):
    She's not interested in doing that stuff (she likes listening to music but not so much playing).
Question: What is your wife's profession?
Asked by Vitali (148.81.197.x) on April 11 2020, 11:25pm
Reply on April 12 2020, 3:05am (edited at April 12 2020, 4:08pm):
    Most recently (but not recently) she went to culinary school and has worked various food-related jobs, but now prefers privacy ;)
Question: Oh man, I've found your selfie from 2003. user.cockos.com/~deadbeef/index.ph...What device did you use for this photo?
Asked by Vitali (148.81.197.x) on April 11 2020, 9:20pm
Reply on April 11 2020, 9:53pm:
    I think it was a Hiptop with the camera attachment that plugged into the headphone jack, maybe?
Question: Do you think at some point real-time online jamming will be possible? Haven't had success with Jamkazam which is supposed to be the solution. Thanks btw for all the NINJAM updates.
Asked by Jimbo (104.221.68.x) on April 11 2020, 5:04pm
Reply on April 11 2020, 8:30pm:
    Well, it would realistically require you to be somewhat nearby physically, as the speed of light plus routing latencies across-continents is a bit of a dealbreaker. But maybe with great internet connections and optimal routing and a low-latency codec like Opus... But it would be pretty unreliable and fussy, I imagine.
Question: Do you grow anything,or care for any type of plants/gardening?
Asked by 2020 (95.148.58.x) on April 11 2020, 3:39pm
Reply on April 11 2020, 8:31pm:
    Not at the moment, though Allison has some house plants. I now find myself dreaming of a walled garden.
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Question: Yo! Can we ask you here about how some specific things can be done in Reaper? If yes, how to show notation event (in which we can write texts to particular piano notes) in arrange view? I don't want to open that MIDI editor again and again and just want to see all my notation event texts in my arrange view. Thanks in advanced.
Asked by The Man (198.16.66.x) on April 11 2020, 8:09am
Reply on April 11 2020, 8:31pm:
    No that's not what this is for, sorry.
Question: Action List is so clever thing. Only in few softwares I found these types of similar things (like Audacity?). From where you got inspiration to make the action list containing every possible actions and also assigning those action into custom buttons? :) Isn't it hard for you guys to manage all those countless actions? And really every possible action we can do in REAPER is readily available in action list? Or just like, 95-99% only?
Asked by Abhi (182.64.47.x) on April 11 2020, 5:56am
Reply on April 11 2020, 8:52pm:
    The history: in 1.0, there were only static shortcut keys and menu items. Then in v1.01 (very soon after 1.0, in 2006), the notion of actions were added, and a preferences pane which let you assign keyboard shortcuts to the actions (it was later updated to effectively create custom actions).

    In v1.844 (2007) a "find action" window was added (initially as a search function for the preferences pane, but later for being opened with the ? key).

    In v2.42 (2008), the current (conceptual) version of that window was added, which moved things out of the preferences and into a combined window which listed the actions, key bindings, etc, and let you manage them there.

    TL;DR: it evolved that way
Question: Thank you for all the ninjam-related updates! I've enjoyed making music of questionable quality with your clever tool since 2006.
Asked by plus4dbv (67.177.28.x) on April 10 2020, 10:56pm
Reply on April 11 2020, 8:52pm:
    Awesome me too!
Question: Dude - Feel so bad about what's happening your end in this Crisis! I am GenX, and was bought up as a Kurt Cobain want to be @unt ;'), not believing gov't stuff, but, things change!!! hope you are ok ''On a lighter note, have you had a chance to trail run/road run?. Get rid of 1st world problems ;) We were going to do this - runningcalendar.com.au/event/ultra...but things are different, and the bush has burn't down. Anyway, One day, MY QUESTION IS-WILL YOU DO SOME ULTRA RUNNING IN
Asked by @citizen (49.196.172.x) on April 10 2020, 4:24pm
Reply on April 10 2020, 4:46pm:
    Oops I missed the end of the question. Been running in the city in the middle of the street here. I had two 50 milers I was signed up for that were canceled. Looking forward to some more in the future! That race looks nice, hopefully it doesn't get canceled. :/
1 Comment...
Question: what does s&m stand for
Asked by j0nn0 (154.66.253.x) on April 10 2020, 10:40am
Reply on April 10 2020, 3:43pm:
    If you mean the SWS plug-in, I think it was simple and mighty?
Question: Do you think ai will ever take _your_ job? >considering the advances and pace of such?
Asked by 2020 (95.148.58.x) on April 9 2020, 11:18pm
Reply on April 10 2020, 3:44pm:
    Hopefully but I doubt it
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Question: Is there any software/tool in which I can normalize lots of my music? Many of my music are in low volume. When I load them in REAPER and normalize them, they gain up like +5 dB. So I want a software in which I can normalize lots of my music in just one click?
Asked by Abhi (182.68.247.x) on April 9 2020, 4:56pm
Reply on April 9 2020, 5:49pm:
    Check out replaygain related tools, maybe?
Question: Just a very very very little suggestion - many songwriters use REAPER and I recently discovered lyrics.lua in the action list which is VERY GOOD. Please, can you add a custom button for lyrics.lua action into REAPER's default toolbar? I know it sounds like a feature request. But it is not, because it is already present, hidden under custom actions and many people don't know about it. It will take only like 30 seconds for you to do this, no? =)
Asked by Abhi (182.68.247.x) on April 9 2020, 1:23pm
Reply on April 9 2020, 1:40pm:
    You can add it to the toolbar yourself, there's no need for us to.
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Question: do you use controllers? if yes how to you map your sends?
Asked by deee (183.89.24.x) on April 8 2020, 6:12pm
Reply on April 9 2020, 1:40pm:
    Only for specific instruments at times
Question: 0.1% of total population of USA is infected by corona. You are in New York, right? It's the most infected city in the world as far as I know. How's the condition near you?
Asked by Poncho (162.243.127.x) on April 8 2020, 3:54pm
Reply on April 9 2020, 1:41pm:
    The streets are mostly quiet, we're told a lot of people are dying but we're lucky to be at home so we don't have to experience it.
Question: On the stupidomenter- how do you rate current global humanity levels 0>10?
Asked by 2020 (95.151.177.x) on April 8 2020, 1:21pm
Reply on April 9 2020, 1:42pm:
    It ranges from 0-10, depending on the person
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