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Question: For what you use chromebooks?
Asked by Josh (185.169.255.x) on October 5 2021, 6:08pm
Reply on October 6 2021, 5:39pm:
    Mostly for running linux via Crouton
Question: What is your strangest code side project?
Asked by Stark (78.72.156.x) on October 5 2021, 1:35pm
Reply on October 6 2021, 5:39pm:
    Not too many side projects these days. Lots of code to automate/optimize/secure the business, I guess
Question: Do you agree with this resumé? ('What it all means') stereophile.com/content/analog-com...
Asked by wasereb4 (79.246.88.x) on October 4 2021, 12:52am
Reply on October 4 2021, 1:52am:
    No, if the reed-solomon error correction produces the same bitstream as was encoded, then there can be no variation in the output (unless the error-correction logic causes other components in the CD player to behave differently, which would be a defect in the player, IMO).
Question: Were you featured in Wired magazine when you were 19? I seem to recall a one page article about you.
Asked by BozSteinkalt (23.241.70.x) on October 3 2021, 12:49am
Reply on October 3 2021, 2:29am:
    Sounds about right, yeah, but that was a long time ago :)
1 Comment...
Question: hey- do you think some clever developer could actually create a "music only" operating system? which would be fully dedicated to music making softwares. (with basic internet connectivity) (AOS- audio only system)
Asked by unnamed 1 (2.25.95.x) on October 2 2021, 3:56pm
Reply on October 3 2021, 2:30am:
    Sure, someone could do it, but I don’t think it would be clever as much as silly…
Question: hey..so we know what you and keeny look like..are there any face images of either schwa or white tie anywhere online? (or do they remain__ unseen?)
Asked by unnamed 1 (2.25.95.x) on September 29 2021, 1:53am
Reply on October 1 2021, 5:38am:
    That's for them to answer...
Question: Do you find additive synthesis interesting, from any perspective?
Asked by n997 (87.95.123.x) on September 28 2021, 4:55am
Reply on October 1 2021, 5:39am:
    A little?
Question: Thank you, and have you ever thought about NDIS for JPG?
Asked by Nicholas Forystek (173.16.33.x) on September 27 2021, 8:51pm
Reply on October 1 2021, 5:39am:
    NDIS? Shoutcast? For JPG? meh
Question: What is your favourite GUI library.
Asked by Ulf Enhörning (185.75.43.x) on September 27 2021, 8:24am
Reply on September 27 2021, 4:54pm:
    I don't use any other than win32 and WDL vwnd, so I wouldn't know... dear imgui is pretty cool, not that I've made anything with it.
Question: Have you ever had a brawl?
Asked by Simon (93.177.74.x) on September 26 2021, 10:18pm
Reply on September 27 2021, 4:53pm:
    No I've only been pushed and pushed back, and been punched in the face (as a kid)
1 Comment...
Question: Even better way to ask; were you ever left in a LAX airport in a child carrying seat?
Asked by Nicholas Forystek's Server (64.251.31.x) on September 26 2021, 3:19am
Reply on September 27 2021, 4:52pm:
    No, I don't think so. And sorry, I've cleaned up your other "questions" because they are a bit too much. Please take no offense.
1 Comment...
Question: I asked my question wrong, so I'm going to ask if you have ever met or know or relate to a couple names, I think I got it wrong. Beatrice Arthur, Beatrice Frankel, Mary Kay Ash, Mary Kay Ingles?
Asked by Nicholas Forystek (173.16.33.x) on September 26 2021, 3:11am
Reply on September 27 2021, 4:52pm:
Question: Do you think Bernie have a chance next election?
Asked by DdSL (191.54.63.x) on September 23 2021, 5:33pm
Reply on September 24 2021, 10:50pm:
    No idea, but I wouldn't think so.
1 Comment...
Question: I want to use EEL2 as an FX processor but I am afraid... EEL was more approachable but that's history; the second iteration was okay too but at some point went way too much... A word or two might help? Am I going to need the dragon book too?
Asked by Gio (94.70.11.x) on September 22 2021, 8:50am
Reply on September 24 2021, 10:51pm:
    It's pretty easy to use from other code, I think? NSEEL_VM_alloc() NSEEL_VM_regvar() NSEEL_code_compile() NSEEL_code_execute() NSEEL_code_free() NSEEL_VM_free() should be enough to get started.
Question: VST3: Do you compile REAPER with C++ exceptions enabled and if you do so have you noticed any performance related issues with various intel architectures?
Asked by Gio (94.70.11.x) on September 21 2021, 11:07pm
Reply on September 24 2021, 10:54pm:
    We don't use C++ exceptions, but compile our code on Windows using /EHsc. Haven't noticed any performance issues.
1 Comment...
Question: MacBook Pro vs Thinkpad X1
Asked by Justin (62.182.99.x) on September 21 2021, 9:13pm
Reply on September 24 2021, 10:55pm:
    I'm using a 2014 rMBP now because of work requirements but I do really like my X1 with Linux (if I was on vacation where I wouldn't have to deal with any work, which never happens, I'd take the X1).
Question: Would it take more hours to mow the lawn in the backyard or port reaplugs to linux-VST3?
Asked by shorty (91.42.245.x) on September 20 2021, 6:46am
Reply on September 20 2021, 9:11pm:
    complicated by the fact their UIs use win32, which would require SWELL, but that would be iffy at best on other hosts? Anyway, not really the best use of our time!
Question: Would you consider adding a retrospective looping capability to Super8? That is, recording to a buffer and then the user has buttons that loop back the buffered 1/n of the measure? This approach to looping is used by beardyman to reduce friction and to avoid fussing around with deleting and re-recording loops when mistakes are made.
Asked by Stefan (72.53.234.x) on September 20 2021, 3:41am
Reply on September 20 2021, 9:11pm:
    That could be cool, maybe?
Question: Any thoughts on Pipewire?
Asked by Georg (95.90.213.x) on September 18 2021, 4:20pm
Reply on September 19 2021, 8:09pm:
    I haven't really looked at it, but what's wrong with JACK anyway?
Question: Have you tried Neovim (neovim.io? What do you think about it?
Asked by Matt (187.19.232.x) on September 18 2021, 2:57pm
Reply on September 19 2021, 8:09pm:
    I haven't tried it yet, I use vim a lot so I suppose I ought to.
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