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Question: Favourite ice cream?
Asked by James (161.112.34.x) on October 20 2021, 10:12am
Reply on October 21 2021, 1:46pm:
    Hmm all. At the moment I might go butter pecan
Question: Do you use fzf?
Asked by James (195.69.9.x) on October 19 2021, 2:44pm
Reply on October 19 2021, 2:54pm:
    no but it looks cool
Question: Are you using Wayland, maybe even Sway wm?
Asked by Niklas Adam (195.159.207.x) on October 18 2021, 6:22pm
Reply on October 18 2021, 10:05pm:
    These days Wayland+Gnome on my dev laptop, Xfce4/X11 on my recording/performance machines
Question: hey! so apparently the human brain can store every 5 sense experiences from birth to final day..do yu think there is any absolute* limitation to the memory storage capacity over a lifetime?
Asked by unnamed1 (2.25.95.x) on October 18 2021, 6:01pm
Reply on October 18 2021, 10:06pm:
    Surely there must be, as the neural connections are finite?
1 Comment...
Question: Hi, Justin! Please share your experience as a programmer) Are you using any programming paradigm (TDD, Agile, etc.)? Are you using design patterns? How do you not get lost in such a huge code? And. Do you use any time management methods? How do you keep your interest in work, do you experience disappointment or depression when the work is monotonous?
Asked by Alex K. (176.98.225.x) on October 17 2021, 10:07pm
Reply on October 18 2021, 2:56am:
    No programming paradigm explicitly.

    Design patterns: nothing explicit either, but after doing this for almost 25 years I'm sure they have evolved into being.
    Getting lost: it's not _that_ much code, really, but when you need to figure out where something is, there are a few good starting places to pull a thread and git grep to unravel it.

    It's a labor of love so time management isn't really an issue. When I was younger I would program for long intervals at a time. I can't do that anymore, these days at most an hour or two at a go.

    Monotony isn't really an issue, sometimes there's tedious things that are repetitive, so I'll either break them up into manageable chunks, or figure out a way to automate it (even if the latter takes more time, it can be more fun).

    Getting outdoors or recording music are always good things when I find myself down (which happens!).

    Other thought worth mentioning: it's always good to make your life as easy as possible. So for example, make it fast/easy to compile things, and make/post test builds.
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Question: Sorry to bother you jf, I am really trying to understand and use MIDI_GetRecentInputEvent, but I can't reach to any answer :( If I get it right the MIDI info is packed inside the buf in a string packed. I should then use string.unpack(some_string, buf). I really don't know what to put in some_string in string.unpack as I would need to reverse engineer how it was packed. >.< Sorry if I got it all wrong also. I am since the release of this function trying to understand it.
Asked by DdSL (201.48.183.x) on October 16 2021, 5:32pm
Reply on October 17 2021, 12:00am:
    Each message is a string of binary data.. so you can use string.byte(str,1) which should return 0x90, for example, etc.
Question: propb not right place: but can you please please PLEASE update the reaplugs now? TIA.
Asked by unnamed1 (2.25.95.x) on October 16 2021, 1:39pm
Reply on October 17 2021, 12:00am:
    Hmm it's sort of the opposite, to add cool stuff ReaPlugs are a weight that holds them back. So probably not?
Question: Is there any way to access the included music font with gfx.setfont? If not, it would be nice to. Thanks! :)
Asked by amagalma (46.190.42.x) on October 16 2021, 9:28am
Reply on October 17 2021, 12:03am:
    I think if you use the font name Reavura it should work, but I haven't tested that (it is a renamed version of Bravura, so you can use its codepoints as a reference).
Question: I don't know if you remember, but I told you like 2 years ago or so, that REAPER needs a dedicated limiter, maybe ReaLim. And you replied me "we have JS Master Limiter". And now, you guys actually developed a dedicated limiting tool :-P I just wanna ask, is ReaLimit better than JS Master Limit? What's the difference?
Asked by Abhi (117.234.45.x) on October 16 2021, 3:59am
Reply on October 17 2021, 12:02am:
    Shrug? Who can say what's better, perhaps test and see which you prefer?
Question: hello- so i learnt a new language and think you could perhaps perfect it? they call it "bidenese". is it a legit language iyo? > youtu.be/3HmFnp-jgfw
Asked by unnamed1 (2.25.95.x) on October 15 2021, 1:15pm
Reply on October 15 2021, 2:31pm:
    I don't really feel like watching that, sorry
1 Comment...
Question: What timezone does this site report your answers in? It's 4:40pm CST and the last comment (posted just now) shows 9:40pm.
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on October 14 2021, 9:41pm
Reply on October 15 2021, 12:17am:
    UTC maybe?
Question: What is your favorite cuisine?
Asked by Rachie (109.37.132.x) on October 14 2021, 5:31pm
Reply on October 14 2021, 9:40pm:
    Please don't make me choose between Mexican and Indian, I'll get sad. OK fine I'll choose Indian. Of course both of those countries are large and have a lot of variety within them, so I'm going to choose the version I used to get from Chandni on 29th street before it closed :(
1 Comment...
Question: Do you still own an iPod? Does it still work?
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on October 14 2021, 3:38am
Reply on October 14 2021, 2:09pm:
    Nope been using my phone for these purposes for a very, very long time
Question: For the third year in a row REAPER wins the KVR Readers' Choice Awards "Favorite Audio Software" category. Congratulations again :) kvraudio.com/blog/best-audio-and-m...What is the winner's speech?
Asked by MS_from_Sweden (82.100.127.x) on October 13 2021, 11:13pm
Reply on October 14 2021, 2:08pm:
    "Thank you, thank you very much"
Question: g'day! so has there ever been a version of reaper where you thought "yep,thats it,now 100% bug free and keeping it that way!" ??
Asked by unnamed1 (2.25.95.x) on October 12 2021, 10:49pm
Reply on October 12 2021, 11:09pm:
    Critical hubris overload
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Question: hey-do you ever check tucker carlson/fox news...or any news? where do you gather informations?
Asked by unnamed1 (2.25.95.x) on October 10 2021, 4:04am
Reply on October 10 2021, 1:33pm (edited at October 10 2021, 2:19pm):
    Despite being named "News", TC and the vast majority of what's on Fox News is opinion and commentary, NOT "News". So no, I don't watch that, it's pretty low on information and high on opinion. The NYT, Washington Post, and propublica are all pretty decent sources (though they all sometimes err, as they are made of humans), and if you want commentary with supporting facts John Oliver's show on HBO is pretty good.
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Question: Do you like campfires and do you have a fireplace in you home ?
Asked by Just Asking (207.148.176.x) on October 8 2021, 12:09am
Reply on October 8 2021, 7:27pm:
    Sure as long as I'm upwind of them... but no, I don't have a fireplace.
Question: Are you still using Visual C++ 6 to work on the Windows 32-bit version of REAPER? Which VC++ version do you use now for 64-bit Windows?
Asked by Matt Campbell (68.103.72.x) on October 7 2021, 3:09pm
Reply on October 7 2021, 7:26pm:
    We use VC2005 with ICC now for win32/win64 releases (though usually VC2013 for development purposes). We stopped using VC6 early this year.
Question: Hi Justin, I am writing a book on audio production, and I would like to use Reaper as the DAW for readers to follow along with. Who would I contact for permission n to reprint a few tables and icons from the manual? Thanks so much!
Asked by Keith (130.215.8.x) on October 7 2021, 2:09pm
Reply on October 7 2021, 7:27pm:
    I'll ask Geoff!
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Question: I have upgraded to Windows 11 stable version (launched yesterday). Now, REAPER looks better than before :-P (thanks to Microsoft, haha). Now will you switch from Win10 to Win11 for REAPER development? Because obviously a software dev have to use latest tools, no?
Asked by Abhi (122.176.5.x) on October 6 2021, 12:57pm
Reply on October 6 2021, 5:38pm:
    Nah, these days I mostly use macOS and linux anyway. And our compilers on windows are quite old :)
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