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Question: hey justin! I noticed that calling params->rescan(host, CLAP_PARAM_RESCAN_ALL); from a CLAP plugin doesn't retrigger the rescan of the count of parameters. Is this a bug in REAPER or am I doing something wrong in my plugin? Thanks and all the best!
Asked by frabert (95.239.62.x) on August 14 2023, 8:58pm
Reply on August 14 2023, 10:01pm:
    It should work, do you not see us call count() or get_info()/get_value() during that call? Send me an email (justin at cockos etc)
Question: Idc if this is a forum ? All I did just now was add a track while others were on the project. I muted the others, and added a track, that's it. The recording on the previous track magically appeared in the track I was just about to record. Wtf? Huh?
Asked by Aitch (67.174.40.x) on August 13 2023, 6:13am
Reply on August 14 2023, 2:23am:
    If you can reproduce post instructions + a .gif on the forum, not here.
Question: Do you have some other thoughts on Reaper V7? Like, are there any plans from seven on, a more focused mindset on something or trying to go somewhere, or is it an it's a just flowing thing? The community certaintly helps the boat go but where is the captain looking at?
Asked by jeff (187.213.52.x) on August 13 2023, 5:54am
Reply on August 14 2023, 2:23am (edited at August 14 2023, 2:24am):
    Lots of stuff that is awesome! YEAH! Seriously though see the note above.
1 Comment...
Question: hey jf- these terms "luck"..."get lucky" "we got lucky" "lucky dip" etcetc... what does this word "luck" actually mean to you?? is it all really random chaotic / just_by_ chance happenings..or,some kind of pre_mapped, pre_determined outcomes as 1 proceeds through life?? ta.
Asked by 2023 (31.49.162.x) on August 12 2023, 6:31pm
Reply on August 13 2023, 2:21am:
    There are plenty of things that are random and out of your control, but lots of things you can do to affect your odds.
Question: I purchased REAPER license when v5.0 was on its last legs and got next two versions covered. Was that a kind of a campaign or is this always the case that a licence purchased at the very end of one version will apply to next two versions?
Asked by User (198.16.66.x) on August 12 2023, 5:30pm
Reply on August 13 2023, 2:22am:
    Did you? I forget what we did then. Anyway the point of our "two major versions" scheme is that worst case you get a few years of updates. So if someone buys a license at 6.81, they get any remaining 6.x versions and all 7.x versions, which is plenty.
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Question: is it possible to incorporate a floating point bit depth less than 32 fp? like 24bit fp? i like the flexibility of floating point but its really expensive storage wise when working multichannel
Asked by mike s (162.247.74.x) on August 11 2023, 6:46pm
Reply on August 12 2023, 3:12pm (edited at August 12 2023, 4:01pm):
    storage is cheap!

    You could use WavPack in one of the FP modes with a raised noise floor, e.g. 32 bit FP -120dB floor. This has a lot of the benefits of FP but also will compress well
Question: I consider Reaper to be the best DAW for composing object-oriented music (I worked with Pierre Schaeffer and Pierre Boulez). I want to create a ministructure of 8 to 32 loudspeakers to allow the composer to work on the spatialization of objects without the need for an auditorium. My question is twofold: are you interested in the project? Can you advise me or help me to carry out this project? If yes I thank you to answer by mail. Best Regards,
Asked by Bernard DURR (92.167.96.x) on August 10 2023, 2:49pm
Reply on August 11 2023, 4:14am:
    Thanks! I'm probably not the best person to help you but good luck
Question: hey jf- so after all the recent us congress & "whistleblower" revelations regarding the "uap" (ufo) reporting incidents... how do you feel now knowing "officially" the global population has been deceived on this topic?... does this shock you at all?...or is it all just 'meh'?
Asked by 2023 (31.49.162.x) on August 10 2023, 10:06am
Reply on August 11 2023, 4:13am:
    hmm what revelations do you speak of? Someone sent me a "uap" clip which looked like pretty much nothing so yeah please describe in the comments.
1 Comment...
Question: you know those band scores that show guitar/bass/drums tabs on every page, i have it in pdf and want to extract only the drum parts automatically, can AI or something do this yet, thanks
Asked by OPOP (82.102.23.x) on August 9 2023, 11:07am
Reply on August 10 2023, 6:23am:
    hah no I'd do it manually if it were me
Question: do you have some recurrent nightmare?
Asked by aaaweyy (200.146.247.x) on August 9 2023, 4:08am
Reply on August 10 2023, 6:10am:
    Nope, occasionally anxiety dreams but nothing recurring
Question: You said on your podcast with Paul Davis writing a DAW is not that hard. What's the hardest software you've written so far?
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on August 8 2023, 4:09am
Reply on August 8 2023, 8:23pm:
    something being hard and being a lot of work are two different things. Writing a DAW is a pain in the ass more than it is a challenge to solve hugely difficult problems. Not sure if I can remember the hugely difficult problems I've had to solve in REAPER or elsewhere, your mind tends to forget about them after you're done
Question: When schwa started at Cockos, did you meet him face to face and do you still do or is it all online communication?
Asked by wasereb4 (87.167.82.x) on August 7 2023, 10:13pm
Reply on August 8 2023, 8:24pm:
    Yeah we met in person a number of times and still do get together in person periodically
Question: i admire how productive the cockos team is with REAPER while still interacting with users. on top of that, you continue to make music and share it online. besides being smart/creative, this requires a high degree of pragmatism + confidence (opposite of perfectionism basically). were you always this way? or can you think of any 'ah-ha' moments that clicked for you mindset wise, that influenced your approach to work/art..life??
Asked by dylan (124.170.114.x) on August 7 2023, 12:05am
Reply on August 8 2023, 8:24pm:
    Shrug... pragmatism is definitely a good thing, in moderation!
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Question: How does one use WDL's AudioBufferContainer?
Asked by olilarkin (91.65.137.x) on August 6 2023, 9:49pm
Reply on August 6 2023, 10:12pm:
    It's not really used by us anymore, so it might have some bitrot...
Question: hey jf- #if you had another digit on each hand...would you be able to type/compute faster,or, play the guitar & drums with an extra level of twang,crash & bang?
Asked by 2023 (31.52.158.x) on August 4 2023, 11:42pm
Reply on August 5 2023, 8:31pm:
    there would be some interesting chords for the guitar for sure! typing I don't think it would help much though.
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Question: Hi Justin, I love Reaper and it's basic/efficient and minimalistic (default dialog boxes, no fluff, etc). Keep up the great work and thanks!
Asked by Yupala (88.180.33.x) on August 4 2023, 1:21pm
Reply on August 4 2023, 4:28pm:
Question: Hi Justin, what would you ballpark the percentage likelihood of there being nicer looking dialog boxes on Windows in a production Reaper build in the next 3 years? Reaper looks so much better on Mac but I primarily use it on Windows. Would love to have theme-able dialogs or just some general improvements.
Asked by Chris (173.70.123.x) on August 3 2023, 7:19pm
Reply on August 4 2023, 4:28pm:
    Low, probably
Question: congrats for reaper v7!. I hope this is the version where you finally remove MIDI completely!
Asked by daniel (181.117.92.x) on August 3 2023, 5:19am
Reply on August 4 2023, 4:28pm:
1 Comment...
Question: Have you read any manga in your life? I just read Blame! and it's preeeety great, not much dialogue, very visual and cyber distopian, incredible spaces and architecture
Asked by Killy (187.213.36.x) on August 2 2023, 11:42pm
Reply on August 4 2023, 4:28pm:
    Not really no
Question: How often do you look at emitted compiler results these days?
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on August 2 2023, 2:52pm
Reply on August 2 2023, 3:36pm:
    Not very often!
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