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Amateur coder here. I'd like to try making something like the searchable databases in the REAPER media explorer. What's the general idea to create a searchable database? Does it extract meta data from the files and build some kind of full text search database? I was checking out the files in the MediaDB folder, but I didn't quite understand the format and how that is searchable. Is this something you created yourself or some kind of standard format? If you could point me in the right direction on what to
Asked by helpme (89.187.187.x) on August 14 2024, 1:56am
Reply on August 14 2024, 2:00am:
The format on disk is more or less as text, but we then build our own lists of all of the metadata. But there's no index built, we just search everything when the time comes to search, even tens or hundreds of megabytes can be searched very quickly these days (if you need to search it a hundred times a second that might be another story...).
Another option, of course, is to use something like sqlite. But it's probably overkill.
What's your email? I'm at bruce@...
Asked by Bruce Brinick (174.82.43.x) on August 13 2024, 5:19pm
Reply on August 13 2024, 6:30pm:
first name at company dot com
Wow, thunderbird works awsome. It does everything I want it to do. (Just like reaper :) ) You write that you use it too. What do you like most about it?
Asked by Trill (170.203.211.x) on August 13 2024, 12:57am
Reply on August 13 2024, 5:06pm:
It is reliable and works and I can copy its appdata folder to new machines rather than having to reinstall/reconfigure everywhere.
Hey jf. What are your thoughts on DRM, the SKG (Stop Killing Games) campaign, digital media ownership, intellectual property, and copyright laws? And I do apologize for the loaded question. But researching about this stuff has really put alot of things into perspective as an aspiring software developer (Mainly C, C++, and some Lua). Especially when it comes to software ethics.
Asked by Matthew (76.37.54.x) on August 12 2024, 9:25pm
Reply on August 13 2024, 5:05pm (edited at August 13 2024, 5:06pm):
DRM - bad. SKG - no idea what that is. digital media ownership - I think if you buy a copy of something (e.g. a digital download) it should be yours and you should be able to resell it in the same way a physical copy would be. intellectual property - an abstract concept that can be implemented well or poorly. copyright - a concrete form of intellectual property that exists for good reason and is a good thing for society!
How to know if vst2/vst3 plugin is supporting HiDPI? Can host check that?
Asked by Ruchira (123.231.104.x) on August 12 2024, 7:29pm
Reply on August 13 2024, 5:03pm:
see https://forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?t=228566 but hidpi on Windows ugh ugh blah terrible
I'm considering building some apps based on software I once developed, but it was deprecated by Microsoft. May I talk with you about it and some ideas I have about how you might want to be involved?
Asked by Bruce Brinick (174.82.43.x) on August 11 2024, 7:42pm
Reply on August 12 2024, 11:47am:
You can send me an email if you like but in general I have a very full plate
hey jf- "when does the past end & the future begin?"
Asked by 2024 (165.120.114.x) on August 9 2024, 9:40pm
Reply on August 11 2024, 1:14am:
the present?
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Do have a system for bug/FR triaging? Perhaps even further tips for people who have trouble prioritising (other than "don't get a job in software when you have ADHD" ;) )?
Asked by blunt splinter (77.184.195.x) on August 9 2024, 3:24pm
Reply on August 9 2024, 3:28pm:
Nah it's pretty ad-hoc, definitely could be more organized but by keeping it random it makes it less like work and more fun.
If you need to take with you only a laptop with 1 OS which would be?
Asked by ape din (141.98.141.x) on August 8 2024, 7:25pm
Reply on August 9 2024, 3:06am:
I usually take my M1 MBA with me when traveling. But I have UTM on it which can run win11/aarch64 and linux, too.
Have you used plush again since the WA credits?
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on August 7 2024, 4:05pm
Reply on August 7 2024, 4:07pm:
I updated it to v2 w/ 24-bit color and alpha channel, and used it in the REAPER credits until v4.0. It's now used by ReaSurroundPan for the 3D visualization of spaces.
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hey jf- are you into any of the olympic events? (there seems to be a few changes this year?)
Asked by 2024 (86.183.196.x) on August 7 2024, 11:01am
Reply on August 7 2024, 4:07pm:
Not so much
With the recent .Prealloc() improvement for the containers do you ever see a need for .begin()/.end() for those who wish to use range loops and the algorithm header? Thanks
Asked by Gio (79.130.181.x) on August 6 2024, 9:46am
Reply on August 6 2024, 10:29pm:
I suppose it would be easy to add these wrappers, what do you suggest?
hey jf- introduce me some of your favorite music!
Asked by lililil (151.244.169.x) on August 2 2024, 4:02pm
Reply on August 2 2024, 4:52pm (edited at August 2 2024, 4:54pm):
Some albums I've listened to a ton lately:
The Verve - A Storm in Heaven
Idles - TANGK
The Smile - Wall of Eyes
Mogwai - Hardcore Will Never Die, but You Will
Just realized these are all UK bands, damn. Coincidental, maybe? I'll add a couple more from elsewhere:
TV on the Radio - Young Liars
Soundgarden - Superunknown
Can you list names of free and/or open source software which you think are equal or better than their paid proprietary alternates?
Asked by Ahhhhh again (182.69.19.x) on August 2 2024, 11:46am
Reply on August 2 2024, 3:42pm (edited at August 2 2024, 3:43pm):
Linux/OpenBSD/etc? I'm a huge fan of git too, though I haven't used a commercial source control system in decades. I'd take clang or gcc over msvc any day, though perhaps ICC has an edge?
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Do you use the razor edit? if so, how often?
Asked by robert8 (37.168.112.x) on August 2 2024, 8:17am
Reply on August 2 2024, 3:27pm:
Sometimes, but for most of my workflow I don't need it
Ahhhhhh I don't know if it is appropriate to ask this here. But I am really sick of that white title bar above in REAPER in Windows version. I know it's from Windows' side (because MacOS have black title bar in dark theme). Isn't there any way to make that white title bar to black? Like in many other software in Windows (even FOSS DAW like LMMS) has black title bar. Maybe it can be done in REAPER too somehow? REAPER looks so cool & attractive in MacOS dark theme, but Windows ruined it.
Asked by Ahhhhh (110.227.154.x) on July 31 2024, 6:50am
Reply on August 1 2024, 2:17am:
the answer is complicated, but the short answer is that MS has not yet gotten around to providing a straightforward way to enable dark mode for win32 applications.
Having said that, people have reported success with the
extension dll linked here
which goes through a lot of hoops to make it happen.
When someone comments here, how do you get notified? Or you keep checking for older questions and their comments, just in case someone posted a comment for you?
Asked by Abhi (27.58.100.x) on July 30 2024, 10:32am
Reply on July 30 2024, 8:18pm:
I have a "recent comments" link at the top, which I periodically take a look at
hey jf- hows the swimming these days?? fit for a triathlon? (swim.cycle,run)
Asked by 2024 (81.156.79.x) on July 30 2024, 10:25am
Reply on July 30 2024, 8:17pm:
Hah the swim part would be slow for sure. I like a nice backstroke, I usually go that route when in open water, vs a front crawl in a pool. But I think triathalons are silly. I'd rather have a simple time.
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Do you use mouse modifiers? If so, in what cases?
Asked by robert8 (37.169.14.x) on July 29 2024, 8:00pm
Reply on July 29 2024, 8:55pm:
I use the defaults
Any advice you want to give to a person who is just starting journey as an indie game developer for living?
Asked by Godot (182.69.50.x) on July 29 2024, 9:27am
Reply on July 29 2024, 3:47pm:
No idea about game development, but have fun, keep your build/release process fast, and embrace user feedback :)
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