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Question: This is not a feature request (I guess?). And I was going to post this on forum, but "Sorry. The administrator has banned your IP address. To contact the administrator click here" is written there. I just want to say that the current piano in MIDI Editor looks very bright, and same thing in v6 looks very nice. Can you bring those colors back to v6 one? Here, you will understand what I meant : imgur.com/a/FcKVk0E
Asked by Abhi (106.219.69.x) on December 6 2024, 10:22am
Reply on December 6 2024, 6:49pm:
    You can tweak the theme, look for the action 'Theme Development: Show theme tweak/configuration window'
1 Comment...
Question: If you were to buy a new car today, which would you choose?
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on December 6 2024, 5:41am
Reply on December 6 2024, 6:51pm:
    new to me or brand-new? If brand-new, maybe a Bolt EV or a Prius Prime or something. Used, I dunno, would have to see what was around I guess?
Question: Hi there. Love your work on Reaper/Ninjam. Have been playing drums on Ninjam since the pandemic and have met people around the world because of it. We just played a concert for dancers in Brazil virtually. Fantastic program!I Don't have a question just wanted to say thanks :)
Asked by BobertPlaysDrums (142.167.143.x) on December 5 2024, 10:50pm
Reply on December 6 2024, 6:51pm:
Question: Which browser do you use? And how your bookmarks look like?
Asked by Abhi (106.219.68.x) on December 5 2024, 8:02am
Reply on December 5 2024, 12:52pm:
    I switch between Safari and Firefox, and don't really bookmark much, except on my phone where I keep some things I commonly use. I also don't really leave tabs open. I understand that I am in the minority in this behavior.
1 Comment...
Question: Maybe useful? A recently updated article about win32 and dark mode: learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/...
Asked by Dom64 (82.132.213.x) on December 5 2024, 5:01am
Reply on December 5 2024, 12:52pm:
    Not really, but thanks!
Question: Do you use any midi control surface(s) with Reaper? If so, which? Thanks.
Asked by me dummy (98.97.20.x) on December 3 2024, 6:03pm
Reply on December 3 2024, 8:15pm:
    Only when testing things, or when doing super8 performances. For the super8 performances I use a Zoom R24 and a line6 foot pedal, but those are generally used via assignable actions rather than a control surface instance.
Question: How many chicken nuggets are to many nuggets? 🐥
Asked by Afonss BS (188.37.249.x) on December 3 2024, 1:40am
Reply on December 3 2024, 5:11pm:
    hah mmmmm chicken good
Question: On PC, is there a workaround way to "break" TB4/USB4 so that it is backwards compatible with Thunderbolt 1 & 2 interfaces?
Asked by D. Gauss (98.169.44.x) on December 2 2024, 11:16pm
Reply on December 2 2024, 11:22pm:
    no idea!
Question: Hi Justin. Why didn't you return the Nullsoft brand name? It's much better and "back to the roots". Or why didn't you change it to something else? Cockos is really not a good name)
Asked by Andrey (109.106.140.x) on December 2 2024, 12:36am
Reply on December 2 2024, 2:04am:
    I don't own the brand, so I can't use it. But at any rate, Cockos is not just a bad name, it's a _spectacularly_ bad name, but it doesn't matter anyway. Not at all the point. ;)
Question: Hi, pls I've been trying to use the ff line to print a text in JSFX, it prints alright but I want the text to be bold but to no avail. I thought changing the last number in the bracket to 2 or 3 or 4 might do it but still not working. How do I make the text the ff line prints bold. gfx_setfont(1,  "Times New Roman",  20, 1)
Asked by Garby (102.176.65.x) on December 1 2024, 8:31am
Reply on December 1 2024, 10:59pm:
    use 'b' for the last parameter
1 Comment...
Question: Hey Justin, is it possible to add my own NamedConfigParm attributes in a vst/au-plugin? Background: for Ultraschall we have a vst/au-plugin to make remote calls for podcasts called Studiolink. NamedConfigParms would be an easy way to communicate with it from Reaper API to control it.
Asked by Mespotine (82.135.127.x) on November 30 2024, 4:22pm
Reply on December 1 2024, 1:53am:
    For VST2, yep. For VST3/AU, no. Send me an email...
Question: Hey JF - I don't know if this is the right place to ask this question but I am going to throw it out there. With the rise of Rust and the push for it. Will C or C++ ever become abandoned? I am aware that it is difficult to speculate and predict such things but I am asking because I am afraid that companies like Microsoft and Apple will deprecate the support for C and C++ down the line in favor of Rust. Would that even be possible where as the language is so entrenched? Thanks.
Asked by Matthew (184.52.122.x) on November 30 2024, 2:19am
Reply on November 30 2024, 1:48pm:
    perhaps C/C++ will get their market share as a systems programming language chipped away at, but I doubt they will ever be "abandoned."
Question: how often to you talk to old friends on the phone ?
Asked by tele (185.107.56.x) on November 29 2024, 2:29am
Reply on November 29 2024, 10:30pm:
    Not often enough, only very occasionally. mostly talk to family, which happens regularly.
Question: Hi Justin, I was wondering if you could show us your studio desk?
Asked by Michael (1.145.152.x) on November 28 2024, 1:55pm
Reply on November 29 2024, 10:29pm:
    Eh, it's a big ugly mess but I'll see what I can do.
Question: Hi, pls is it possible to create tooltips or pop up guide notes in a JS effect?
Asked by W.Garby (102.176.101.x) on November 28 2024, 12:55pm
Reply on November 29 2024, 10:29pm:
    you could do it manually within the @gfx by detecting the mouseover and drawing it over it... but it would be a bit of work! There is an API that ReaScripts can use, maybe we can expose that from JSFX @gfx too. let me think about that. but for the time being probably better to detect the mouse position and draw it yourself.
1 Comment...
Question: have you ever tried Slackware?
Asked by ape_din (141.98.141.x) on November 27 2024, 10:53pm
Reply on November 28 2024, 2:18am:
    it was the first distro I used! but I haven't used it since the 1990s.
Question: If you were mixing several dry guitars, would you use a single JS Convolution Amp/Cab Modeler for all of them (on a folder track), or would you use one amp for each of them? (assuming you're OK with them having the same sound) I'd like to understand DSP better because maybe the answer's obvious.
Asked by jeanjacquesrousseau (31.37.8.x) on November 27 2024, 4:45pm
Reply on November 27 2024, 6:46pm:
    If you're using something that is pure convolution, then summing them prior to convolution is exactly the same as summing the convolved versions. But I'd probably use separate convolutions for each because it would give you more flexibility if you want to do other processing or use different impulse responses.
1 Comment...
Question: Didn't I help in Reaper? Thought my interface and code for effects streamed back to your Dev hosting but out of bread if true can you stake me to get Babbel back?
Asked by Quincy Johnson (107.77.230.x) on November 26 2024, 5:58pm
Reply on November 27 2024, 6:47pm:
    What are you talking about?
Question: Thanks for coming up with reaper. How come 6.xx stops at 6.83, where's 6.84-6.99? Bought a key some time ago that I thought was supposed to last up to 6.99 etc.. just wondering..
Asked by UriR (78.55.154.x) on November 26 2024, 5:03pm
Reply on November 27 2024, 6:48pm:
    The thing is you get two major versions, so you get 5.x and 6.x. There's no guarantee we'll do to .99, sometimes it makes sense for us to go to a new major version because we have new features and breaking changes that make more sense to put in a major version. and the 6.x cycle was plenty long, a number of years...
Question: Hello, ffmpeg4 is already too old. Now it's ffmpeg7 or above, with a difference of three major versions already.
Asked by toolos (221.215.214.x) on November 26 2024, 3:18pm
Reply on November 27 2024, 6:48pm:
    yeah, it's just a pain getting new ffmpeg versions to work with reaper :/ they don't have a well-defined API for using it in the way we do, at least to my knowledge.
1 Comment...
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