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Question: Is 320 kbps mp3 best music quality? Which quality and extension (m4a, flac) you prefer for general listening? Also a bonus question, which is your most favourite Billie Eilish song? :D
Asked by Bill (162.243.246.x) on February 27 2020, 4:11pm
Reply on February 27 2020, 4:15pm:
    I'm pretty happy with mp3 @ 192kbps. I don't know any Billie Eilish songs.
Question: Your favourite Youtube channel?
Asked by Pony (78.152.169.x) on February 27 2020, 10:47am
Reply on February 27 2020, 4:15pm:
    I don't really follow any channels
Question: Always keep the reaper, do not finish.
Asked by Strantrickt (95.7.142.x) on February 27 2020, 9:53am
Reply on February 27 2020, 4:15pm:
1 Comment...
Question: Are all icons, buttons and all theme related things inside REAPER 6 raster or vector? If still raster (same as bitmap, I guess), why not switch into vector, which looks better and more polished and also can be resized into any resolution without blurring?
Asked by Abhi (182.68.241.x) on February 27 2020, 7:54am
Reply on February 27 2020, 4:14pm:
    Raster. Too much work to change.
Question: How do you choose a laptop when you have to get a new one? Which aspects do you value the most?
Asked by Loip (79.31.222.x) on February 26 2020, 9:36pm
Reply on February 27 2020, 4:15pm:
    These days if it's a laptop I want to travel with it, so it ends up being about small size/weight + long battery life. Usually I bring with me my ASUS C101P (in devmode and with linux via crouton).
Question: What do you think of people using Reaper even after the trial period expires? Do you ever consider adding a lock option? I have to say the Reaper model is quite new and unique to me! Thank you for Reaper btw :)
Asked by Meolo (79.31.222.x) on February 26 2020, 4:00pm
Reply on February 26 2020, 4:27pm:
    The risks: 1) someone with a valid license who misplaced it can't use REAPER. 2) people who are just past expiration have incentive to crack rather than potentially eventually buy a license.
Question: Ummm.. isn't it better in REAPER to zoom out to just the end of the project (last part of the last media clip, or a little bit after it, like 2 bars after it), instead of zooming out infinite times, which looks kinda... weird?? My project zooms out to 30 minutes whereas last part of my last media clip is just around 4 minutes
Asked by ZoOoOm (178.128.82.x) on February 26 2020, 12:27pm
Reply on February 26 2020, 4:27pm:
Question: What's the last programming thing you learned?
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on February 26 2020, 1:32am
Reply on February 26 2020, 4:27pm:
    No idea
Question: hey- after hearing about the apollo masters vinyl lacquer fire (aggrrg!) -did you ever get to cutting any vinyl,or will you ever perhaps? ((as there's supposed to be a higher quality 'digital process' in the works))
Asked by 2020 (95.151.177.x) on February 25 2020, 10:57pm
Reply on February 26 2020, 4:27pm:
Question: I think there is some problem with REAPER's icon/logo. I have put other apps too near to REAPER just for comparison. All of them are scaling properly. Synfig Studio's icon isn't scaling but it is persistently showing. Whereas REAPER's icon neither scale nor persistently show when I zoom in and out. See this imgur.com/RqicGTl
Asked by Apple iCon (46.101.16.x) on February 24 2020, 10:50am
Reply on February 24 2020, 2:28pm (edited at February 24 2020, 2:35pm):
    This probably belongs in the BR forum and not here. You could look at the shortcut to see what it defines its icon as, though, that could be an error.
Question: Why separate OS X 10.15 Catalina download for REAPER? Why not included it with the original downloader for OS X? I am Windows user. Just headed there for update and I found this. Just curious.
Asked by Catalina (162.243.127.x) on February 24 2020, 10:36am
Reply on February 24 2020, 2:28pm:
    The Catalina version has additional entitlements/signing/etc which can cause problems for some plug-ins, and affects Mojave users as well as Catalina.
Question: After reinstalling Windows 10 to the latest version, ASIO4ALL isn't giving sound in my earphones anymore, which is connected to my laptop. Though ASIO4ALL gives sound to my laptop's speakers, but not to my earphones :( I have tried to make my earphones as default device, still not working. Also, I don't want to use crappy default Windows driver (WASAPI, right?) Any suggestion to fix this? It worked before in my old update of Windows 10
Asked by Abhi (182.64.61.x) on February 24 2020, 6:25am
Reply on February 24 2020, 2:27pm:
    Hmm dunno, probably a device-specific issue?
Question: Hello Justin, Are you aware of the huge and ever-growing podcasting community in Germany using Reaper as a foundation for Ultraschall.fm which makes it a brilliant podcasting suite? We’ve got 6000 users and counting. We’d love to get in contact with you about it and I think you might like what we did with reaper, this is more than just a skin. :) Version 4 is coming out quite soon. Now that we have reversed engineered and hacked The UI (we couldn’t get a hold of you) it would be much nicer to speak directly
Asked by Malik (78.35.53.x) on February 24 2020, 12:46am
Reply on February 24 2020, 2:26pm:
    You can always email me, my email is pretty obvious.
Question: Are user posted links truncated on purpose (e.g. q=5018, q=5021)?
Asked by nofish (89.247.253.x) on February 23 2020, 11:16pm
Reply on February 24 2020, 2:26pm:
    No, that's a bug, fixing those temporarily, need to fix the original issue too hmm.
Question: how do you get the time to answer about 5 questions everyday.
Asked by mike (74.56.100.x) on February 23 2020, 10:51pm
Reply on February 24 2020, 2:25pm:
    By spending a tiny amount on each question
Question: What do you think of this amusing gif? gxcuf89792.i.lithium.com/t5/image/...
Asked by Geometry (103.107.196.x) on February 23 2020, 5:22pm
Reply on February 23 2020, 10:01pm (edited at February 24 2020, 2:25pm):
    I've seen more impressive uses of Excel ;)
Question: What kind of music do you prefer to listen when you 're programming ?
Asked by Vagelis (91.140.90.x) on February 23 2020, 5:05pm
Reply on February 23 2020, 10:02pm:
    Same as normal. [prog|indie|post|psychedelic] rock, jazz, and stuff
Question: I read somewhere that you don't like dark themes and still REAPER 6 is dark by default. Weird :P Anyway, in softwares, why there are constant updates for bug fixes? I mean, can't developers fix all bugs at once and release a bug-free software? Or when developers try to fix bugs or add something, then new bugs appear? Are softwares suppose to have bugs? It means that OS we use like Windows, Mac, Ubuntu, even they have bugs? Suppose if we are working on a critical project and boom, our computer crash? Bad :(
Asked by Abhi (122.161.247.x) on February 23 2020, 4:30am
Reply on February 23 2020, 10:03pm:
    The number of states that very complex software can be in is probably too high to ever make it bug-free, IMO.
Question: Does this thread melt your heart? old.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comment...
Asked by Robert (73.16.246.x) on February 22 2020, 10:13am
Reply on February 22 2020, 10:53pm (edited at February 24 2020, 2:25pm):
Question: Is there any ways of banning an IP address, or configure anything else from Ninjam without interrupting a productive Ninjam server on a linux host machine? And while putting in the IP address to ban via ACL xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/yyy deny, what does the /yyy do? Because when I put it in as a range, it doesn't accept the line.
Asked by David (74.101.225.x) on February 22 2020, 6:08am
Reply on February 22 2020, 10:53pm:
    On the win32 version there's some code to allow reloading the configuration by hitting "R" at the console. You could enable this for non-win32 with a little tweaking. The /yyy is a subnet mask. /32 means the one IP only, /24 means only the first 24 bits of address are matched, etc. (This is common syntax when defining IP ranges)
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