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www.cockos.com ...... Okay..... But why www.reaper.fm ......... Why not www.reaper.com ?? Or even better, why not www.cockos.com/reaper ?? Also, what does "fm" means in reaper.fm ?? Is the domain ".fm" cheaper than .com" ? Or any other reason why not reaper.com ?
Asked by Abhi (117.234.207.x) on March 7 2020, 3:37am
Reply on March 7 2020, 1:29pm:
reaper.com is taken, so... cockos.com/reaper works, we also have reaperaudio.com and reaperdaw.com pointed there. but reaper.fm is short, also FM is (in the US at least) the name for the commonly-used 88MHz-108Mhz radio band.
hey! - out of thousands of choices- why pick kenny gioia? (were they recommended, or friend/family/ just the right skills/abilities??)
Asked by 2020 (91.110.225.x) on March 6 2020, 11:49pm
Reply on March 7 2020, 1:42am:
I'm a huge fan of boy bands.
REAPER is the only DAW making it to a dedicated electronic music producer type. :P
Asked by wasereb4 (94.134.90.x) on March 6 2020, 5:51pm
Reply on March 6 2020, 10:29pm:
Good art/music always has a message even though it might not be explicit or even defined. Is Reaper a work of art with the message, "let's do whatever this is"?
Asked by shufflebeat (2.102.13.x) on March 6 2020, 1:14pm
Reply on March 6 2020, 10:29pm:
Hmm no it's more of a tool
What inspire you to name your company as 'Cockos' and your DAW's name as 'REAPER'? Also a weird question - Why REAPER doesn't get install in Windows like this - "C:/Program Files/Cockos/REAPER" ?? Instead, REAPER folder directly goes inside Program Files folder. Whereas other companies, lets say Adobe. Their softwares (like Photoshop) goes inside 'Adobe' folder.
Asked by Abhi (117.97.128.x) on March 6 2020, 6:22am
Reply on March 6 2020, 10:30pm:
You can search for the origin story of Cockos here. REAPER is about reaping the result of your recordings. And there's little point to Program FilesCockos since REAPER is usually the only thing in there. Maybe LICEcap but meh
Is English your native language? Beside English, how many languages you know? If you know, then what's the point of learning those other languages as with only English, you can communicate with literally any person in the whole world. Don't you feel lucky that you can speak English fluently whereas majority of the people in this world can't speak fluently? Don't you feel lucky that you can watch any Hollywood movie without seeing subtitles? Also, all good tutorials of anything on YouTube are in English, ah!
Asked by Mr. Anderson (46.101.38.x) on March 5 2020, 3:52pm
Reply on March 6 2020, 3:32am:
Yes, English is my native language. I also know some French, Spanish and German in decreasing capacity. I do feel fortunate that English is such a dominant language, it does open a lot of doors! But I like to learn other languages because it is interesting (even if you can't speak them well). I also know a few phrases in Danish which is really quite entertaining.
Core REAPER development - Justin & Schwa ; REAPER theme development - WhiteTie ; Video tutorials - Kenny ; REAPER blog - Jon ; REAPER manual - Geoffrey ..... are there more people who indirectly contributed into REAPER development? If yes, then please tell us :)
Asked by ReallyWantAJobInCockos (104.236.53.x) on March 5 2020, 3:41pm
Reply on March 6 2020, 3:33am:
rOn(Christophe) and JeffOS both contributed a lot of code. Tons of users have given countless amounts of useful feedback... Too many to name.
Ummm, Justin sir, there are lots of unanswered feature requests and maybe bugs report in REAPER forum. Can't you make a similar website like this askjf one, where we users can directly suggest you new features and report you bugs? Or it will be too cumbersome for you to manage that (maybe lots of users will post there?)
Asked by Abhi (182.64.73.x) on March 5 2020, 3:29pm
Reply on March 6 2020, 3:34am:
Too much quantity. Shrug.
Could you write a program right now that would slow the coronavirus?
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on March 4 2020, 4:23pm
Reply on March 5 2020, 3:39am:
what is your most valued object or material you own/bought?
Asked by 2020 (95.151.177.x) on March 4 2020, 2:10pm
Reply on March 5 2020, 3:40am:
I have two pairs of New Balance MT10v4, which are no longer made, and I cherish them, and am anxious about finding replacements. The current pairs have about 900 and 1900 miles on them.
Would you ever consider selling Reaper if the potential buyer was on the same wavelength and wanted to put more resources behind the mission of free and open tools for music creation?
Asked by Daniel (69.16.172.x) on March 3 2020, 8:50pm
Reply on March 4 2020, 12:23am:
Assuming there were enough other conditions satisfied to convince me that this was the case, then I would have no choice but to assume that the potential buyer was insane and not qualified to be buying the business.
Hey Justin! Are you planning to do Area Selection native in Reaper?Thank you!
Asked by Chester (77.111.247.x) on March 3 2020, 11:42am
Reply on March 3 2020, 3:25pm:
See the note above, thank you!
Hi Justin, have you and Schwa ever considered making a programming video course? There's a dearth of good C++ and Lua courses on Udemy and so many bad ones, the good ones seem to all be game focused...whereas you could do a gui/music/plugin focused course, maybe even scripting in REAPER. You'd be the highest rated course on Udemy! It's still your passion right? I believe Kenny makes some good videos...
Asked by bevo (101.164.130.x) on March 1 2020, 12:27pm
Reply on March 1 2020, 3:44pm:
Not really my forte... also the way we do REAPER is one that most people would probably find incredibly tedious ;)
Hi Justin which is your favorite Ween album and why?
Asked by Magnus Glasscock (184.97.143.x) on March 1 2020, 5:01am
Reply on March 1 2020, 3:43pm:
Have a number of friends who are big Ween friends, and while I've seen them live and found them to be amazing musicians I never really got into their albums.
Who originally conceived and created Reaper, besides JF?
Asked by Preaper (174.239.5.x) on February 29 2020, 8:42pm
Reply on March 1 2020, 3:42pm:
I started it, I think the first thing rOn (Christophe) did was add DirectX plug-in support.
hey-are you ready to rock a scratchocaster? >
(inventive,or.. nah?)
Asked by 2020 (2.26.240.x) on February 29 2020, 2:42pm
Reply on March 1 2020, 3:41pm:
Haha funny
Just like there is 'Instruments' button in FX in REAPER, why there is no 'effects' button there which just shows all effects scanned by REAPER of any type (VST2, VST3 etc.). It would be easy to find effects in that manner, just like it is really easy to find instruments.
Asked by Joker (198.16.76.x) on February 28 2020, 4:16pm
Reply on March 1 2020, 3:40pm:
Hmm what button are you speaking of?
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When I put a new FR into the forum, I have a tendency to be over-specific with the what and how of my FR. Is this ok for you or does it take away the nerd-hacking-value of finding the solution yourself? Don't want to spoil your fun in Reaper-development ;)
Asked by Mespotine (109.104.40.x) on February 28 2020, 2:35pm
Reply on March 1 2020, 3:39pm:
Having a general idea and specifics are both good, sometimes the solution that makes more sense to implement is different than suggested, otherwise not.
REAPER 6 looks much much better than previous versions, really. It looks modern, and colors are very soothing for eyes. The dark theme and dark colors are very much matching together and everything feels very good now. New buttons look refreshing. Thanks to WhiteTie for developing this. But just a little bit modification I (and maybe others too?) want. Can you guys add a little tool inside 'Theme Adjuster' where we can darken and brighten (whiten) the arrange view and piano roll view?
Asked by Dustin (178.128.57.x) on February 28 2020, 2:24pm
Reply on March 1 2020, 3:39pm:
A global brightness (and color correction) tweak for themes might be interesting.
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Do You think it's possible somehow to embed vector images on top of raster? E.g. to have good looking vector fonts, but at the same time not to lose artistic freedom and performance of raster for other graphical elements?
Asked by Pony (78.152.169.x) on February 28 2020, 12:08pm
Reply on February 28 2020, 1:24pm:
Sure, you can render them on top programmatically, we do that for fonts all the time...
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