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Note: please do not ask questions about REAPER features, bugs or scheduling, use the forums instead.

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Question: can we post reaper feature request, bugs, in forum, and post the link here? what is scheduling means?
Asked by the flying guitar (107.170.127.x) on March 28 2020, 6:57am
Reply on March 28 2020, 8:55pm:
    You can post in the forums, but don't post links here. Scheduling means timing, roughly.
Question: Why humans like repetitions in musical phrases, And what's so magical in rhymes in a verses?
Asked by Pony (46.252.220.x) on March 27 2020, 7:55pm
Reply on March 28 2020, 8:54pm:
    It's easier to remember what comes next when it's repetitive? (and if it rhymes)
1 Comment...
Question: In REAPER, project markers doesn't show / Also, I have changed time signature to 6/4...
Asked by Abhi (182.68.127.x) on March 27 2020, 3:13pm
Reply on March 27 2020, 6:48pm:
    Ahem, these are not interesting questions for askjf! Please post on the forum!
Question: I've noticed Ninjam Server v0.080 was released. Anything new/fixed within that version?
Asked by David (96.224.215.x) on March 27 2020, 4:27am
Reply on March 27 2020, 6:49pm:
    I'd have to look but nothing major.
Question: (part 1) These days, softwares' themes look minimalistic....
Asked by A Walking Cake (107.170.127.x) on March 26 2020, 4:31pm
Reply on March 27 2020, 6:49pm:
    See above message (forums please!), thank you
Question: IF* you could have 1 question,request or wish granted by the almighty infinite supreme being- what might that be right now?
Asked by 2020 (2.26.240.x) on March 26 2020, 9:01am
Reply on March 27 2020, 6:52pm:
    Well, co-equal status with said being would probably be the most useful...
Question: Are you buying stocks during this pandemic?
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on March 25 2020, 7:15pm
Reply on March 25 2020, 7:24pm:
    I bought a little after the first week of crashing but not a whole lot in general
Question: A little bug here, or rather just a little mistake. When there is only one comment here, it still shows '1 comments' instead of '1 comment', haha, just a minor thing I know. Maybe, change your 'if' condition from "if 0, printf ("comment"), else printf("comments") to "if 0&&1, then comment, else comments". I know a little bit of programming :P
Asked by Abhi (182.64.71.x) on March 24 2020, 7:55pm
Reply on March 25 2020, 2:43am:
    It's a feature! but fine
Question: It's directly not a REAPER feature request. But a great idea for both REAPER extensions and customers. There are lots and lots of extensions, like Playtime, SWS etc. And lots of users don't know about them. Can you make a tool within REAPER from where we can browse all these cool stuffs inside REAPER and download or buy whichever we like? Also, those developers can add their tools inside REAPER? So users don't have to search outside?
Asked by CoronaMustLeave (104.236.195.x) on March 24 2020, 4:38pm
Reply on March 24 2020, 4:49pm:
    There is ReaPack which is just that, but we really don't encourage people because honestly for most people the built-in stuff is enough, and the support burden of using third party code/scripts/etc is something.
Question: After 10 years, maybe Microsoft will end .exe support and only .application (their new type of store apps) will be there. Will you re-create REAPER software from scratch or maybe copy-paste codes from old .exe thing to new one? I have heard that new .app apps are much easier to develop than old .exe softwares. And also, much faster than .exe softwares.
Asked by Abhi (182.64.71.x) on March 24 2020, 6:34am
Reply on March 24 2020, 1:51pm:
    I don't think that'll happen
Question: For the ninjam chat it would be very useful to have it compatible with the Windows clipboard. This would allow me to copy paste things that are said for various purposes. Would this be possible?
Asked by Roymond (74.67.162.x) on March 24 2020, 1:21am
Reply on March 24 2020, 4:03am:
    You can -- right click in the text area after selecting and choose "Copy"
Question: Ever heard of the Critter and guitari organelle? Seems kind of similar to the idea behind the Jesusonic hardware unit. critterandguitari.com/organelle
Asked by schmoe (208.181.106.x) on March 23 2020, 7:10pm
Reply on March 23 2020, 9:30pm:
    Nice, I bet it could run a headless REAPER
Question: Why not suggest Schwa sir to create a website askjs.com so that we can also gossip with him ;)
Asked by Abhi (182.64.72.x) on March 23 2020, 9:50am
Reply on March 23 2020, 4:07pm:
    I can't say I recommend it! jk but I'm sure if schwa was so inclined he would.
Question: Justin, how are you feeling about everything going on in New York? Are you worried? Just wanted to say I hope you're doing OK, and I really value you as a coding hero.
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on March 23 2020, 4:35am
Reply on March 23 2020, 4:07pm:
    I am very worried, but not scared. Thank you that is very kind, I hope you and your family are OK too!
Question: Why instrumental songs have more variation and sounds more creative than normal songs (which have vocals also)?
Asked by Abhi (182.68.182.x) on March 22 2020, 6:44pm
Reply on March 22 2020, 7:01pm:
    They don't have to but I imagine it's just a "where do you focus your efforts" sort of thing
Question: Writing a Rust API for REAPER SDK. For the following functions which return int, is there any reason why they don't just return a bool? Undo_DoUndo2, Undo_DoRedo2, IsProjectDirty, Audio_RegHardwareHook
Asked by helgoboss (184.22.199.x) on March 22 2020, 4:50pm
Reply on March 22 2020, 7:01pm:
    I haven't looked but generally speaking no reason
Question: hey! - when you do the super8 live sessions..what tempo do you set each time? 60bpm/realtime,or other..?
Asked by 2020 (95.151.177.x) on March 22 2020, 4:42pm
Reply on March 22 2020, 7:00pm:
    It's arbitrary, set by when I play the first part (I start/stop recording with a food switch)
Question: Average no of hours spent on writing code for Reaper per week?
Asked by mlprod (98.128.228.x) on March 22 2020, 3:37pm
Reply on March 22 2020, 6:59pm:
    No idea, some weeks a lot, some weeks less.
Question: Have you tried Waveform free? What do you think about Tracktion's business model? Are you planning to make old Reaper versions free for everybody? Like version 1 and 2.
Asked by Vitali (148.81.197.x) on March 22 2020, 3:08pm
Reply on March 22 2020, 6:59pm:
    I haven't, no. REAPER 0.999 is free if you are so inclined...
Question: Has the introduction of development version devXXXX help the team or pace/quality of development in comparison with the previous model used? In general never liked the date versioning scheme because people can perceive a software product as ``old'' or ``outdated'' --- Obviously not the case with dev-versions of yours but curious enough to know what problems solved.
Asked by Gio (85.72.89.x) on March 21 2020, 4:26pm
Reply on March 21 2020, 4:33pm:
    It solves ambiguity about what "current" is, there are two branches, one is version the other is by date. It's been pretty smooth.
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