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Question: What reverb Plugin do you use for ur own Mixes? What IDE or Editor do you use for developing Reaper on Linux and on Windows?
Asked by Chris (95.90.213.x) on August 18 2021, 7:37am
Reply on August 18 2021, 3:47pm:
    ReaVerbate and ReaVerb (the latter with various impulses collected over the years, most from Pipelineaudio's collections). I mostly edit with vim, build using make on Linux and VS2013 or VS2005 on Windows.
Question: Is PUBG game very popular in your country? If yes, then which version PC or mobile? Have you tried to play it someday?
Asked by Abhi (27.58.14.x) on August 18 2021, 3:40am
Reply on August 18 2021, 3:47pm:
    I don't know what it is!
1 Comment...
Question: Is there a way to rebuild peaks of a pcm_source through ReaScript without adding it to the project?
Asked by Nick (174.202.2.x) on August 16 2021, 10:04pm
Reply on August 17 2021, 1:50am:
    Hmm maybe not, you can via C++ but maybe I'll look into adding a reascript-callable API for that.
Question: What do you think about this: zipped-album.github.io?
Asked by fladd (92.110.122.x) on August 15 2021, 7:24pm
Reply on August 17 2021, 1:51am:
    Feels a little late maybe?
1 Comment...
Question: Hey, I have heard Windows 11 will be 64 bit only. Will this affect REAPER in any way? It affected when MacOS (catalina, I guess?) was all 64-bit.
Asked by Macrohard (223.177.4.x) on August 15 2021, 8:18am
Reply on August 15 2021, 1:47pm:
    It'll mean not being able to run 32-bit REAPER or 32-bit bridged plug-ins
Question: Hey Justin can you please tell me 1-2 reaper forum usernames that can help at customer service level as i had no response on email, thanks!
Asked by questi (84.247.48.x) on August 15 2021, 8:13am
Reply on August 15 2021, 1:47pm:
    No but if you emailed support and your request was reasonable you should get a response (maybe after the weekend though)
Question: Blender has been gaining momentum in the 3D world. Huge companies are starting to support it financially. This happened after Blender had significantly redesigned and improved both the user interface and forkflow. 3 years ago, nobody wanted to use it. Now everything has changed. Newbies start using Blender. Old folks are switching to it from Maya, 3D Max and Zbrush. A huge number of courses are available. Do you envy Blender's success? :)
Asked by Alex (78.107.206.x) on August 15 2021, 6:41am
Reply on August 15 2021, 1:48pm:
    No, I'm happy making a DAW that I can use :)
Question: Dear Justin! Is there a way to get an object (solo button, record, etc.) of the virtual reaper window (mcp,tcp) from a point? Maybe there is some kind of trick with WM_GETOBJECT message or somthing else ?) By using C++ extention.
Asked by Cory (185.220.100.x) on August 14 2021, 2:54pm
Reply on August 14 2021, 10:10pm:
    You can access it via accessibility APIs, yeah, but that's a pain. What are you trying to do?
Question: How to deal with sense of guilt
Asked by perp (185.99.252.x) on August 14 2021, 8:36am
Reply on August 14 2021, 10:11pm:
    If it's something ongoing you can try to improve, do so! if not, try to do better in the future? Shrug.
1 Comment...
Question: How to create a vst bridge? COM or pipes? Which one provides the lowest latency? Which technology reaper uses?
Asked by ruchira (123.231.106.x) on August 12 2021, 3:39pm
Reply on August 12 2021, 3:46pm:
    On Win32 REAPER uses shared memory for data transfer and events for signalling, see WDL/shm_connection.*
Question: Call of Duty VS. Battlefield (VS. any other)?
Asked by FPS is love, FPS is life (27.58.9.x) on August 12 2021, 9:17am
Reply on August 12 2021, 2:08pm:
    I've played a decent amount of single-player CoD and a lot more multi-player zombie-mode CoD :)
Question: I'd enjoy if you wrote a bit more regularly about REAPER dev/coding in your main feed? (question mark for obeying the rules :))
Asked by wasereb4 (87.167.80.x) on August 11 2021, 10:11pm
Reply on August 12 2021, 5:02am:
    Why don't I write about it more? That's a good question, I should. Maybe one article could be "why doesn't my compiler warn me about "typedef uint32_t foo; foo bar = ...; if (bar >= 0) { }" ?
Question: Acoustic or electric guitar?
Asked by musicman (95.90.213.x) on August 11 2021, 7:48pm
Reply on August 12 2021, 5:02am:
    Oooh both but usually electric.
Question: How to use reacomp as a maximizer? Which sliders should I change?
Asked by ruchira (123.231.107.x) on August 10 2021, 10:30am
Reply on August 10 2021, 8:02pm:
    ReaComp can't operate as a maximizer, the included "General Dynamics" JSFX is good for that though!
Question: Do you consider bying a new M1 MacBook? Maybe the upcoming one? Leaks about it sound and look great!
Asked by Mark (37.19.195.x) on August 8 2021, 11:10pm
Reply on August 9 2021, 6:28pm:
    Yeah, but I'll probably get a MNT Reform before then...
Question: I find it humorous that a bunch of intellectually gifted persons come up with WDL and an army of PhDs with STL. For his reason alone the choice is obvious, possibly due to inheritance and careful evolution. Although, still not sure if it's a great fit of engineering or simply amazing art. Better remain a mystery, don't you think? Thanks for the latest updates ;)
Asked by Gio (94.70.22.x) on August 8 2021, 2:59am
Reply on August 9 2021, 6:29pm:
Question: Ups. Not really asking, just wanna say I've ben listening your music today and it was a real joy, and an amazing found for a music addict as me. Cheers.
Asked by Fernando Viana (189.167.0.x) on August 7 2021, 11:24pm
Reply on August 9 2021, 6:29pm:
    Aww thanks! Any favorites?
1 Comment...
Question: Why do you think you get so many questions about making Reaper open source?
Asked by todd_r (81.141.217.x) on August 6 2021, 9:49pm
Reply on August 7 2021, 7:19pm:
    I don't think it's really that many
1 Comment...
Question: Is software piracy a bad thing in the music community?
Asked by DdSL (189.112.151.x) on August 5 2021, 9:00pm
Reply on August 6 2021, 8:46pm:
    Probably, though how bad is debatable?
Question: I don't know if I can ask this question here or not but, ummmm, why "Item group containers: remove feature for now" is removed?? Any problem in implementing that or lots of bugs? Seems a great feature to have!
Asked by Ummmm... (122.177.157.x) on August 5 2021, 3:49pm
Reply on August 6 2021, 8:47pm:
    If we remove things it's because we're not happy enough with them. Sometimes the idea of a feature is good but the implementation details are problematic, etc etc.
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