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Question: Is it possible at all to aggregate multiple audio devices in Windows on ASIO, not WDM? Could Reaper do it although system does not support it?
Asked by greg (89.233.113.x) on December 18 2022, 10:03pm
Reply on December 18 2022, 10:19pm (edited at December 18 2022, 10:20pm):
    REAPER could probably do it, but the performance would likely be lousy as we'd have to synchronize threads for each device (since ASIO involves each driver creating its own processing thread).
Question: How is the state of things with REAPER and Intel CPUs gen. 12/13 regarding the efficiency cores? Remembering your blog post you had to do some tweaking in the REAPER code for the M1 efficiency cores.
Asked by wasereb4 (87.167.91.x) on December 18 2022, 8:14pm
Reply on December 18 2022, 9:32pm:
    I haven't looked at it on Windows, a lot of it will depend on how the OS schedules things; a lot of the issues on the M1 was due to the way that Apple exposed the thread scheduling to applications. On Windows it might be a non-issue.
Question: If you could just copy and paste the whole REAPER source code to a GPT AI chat bot (maybe the upgraded version 3 years from now) and just tell it: add this, do this here, it should be like this, giving priority on that and so on then it spits out exactly that and it works perfectly as expected.. would you do it? Or you just enjoy coding, or maybe a little of both? Like letting it help you on your journey?
Asked by NotAnAI(winkwink) (187.213.94.x) on December 18 2022, 6:56pm
Reply on December 18 2022, 8:08pm:
    I definitely enjoy the process but I also enjoy making my life easier. I wouldn't be opposed to it, assuming the bot could do it with 100% correctness, but verifying that would be easier said than done?
Question: When you are thirsty, like you came from outside, or came back home from running, what do you drink first? Water or coffee? :P
Asked by Abhi (223.190.9.x) on December 18 2022, 5:48pm
Reply on December 18 2022, 8:13pm:
    Water for sure. I like coffee but it's not a thirst quencher
Question: hey- does it bother or upset #you when other new or updated "daw" get mentioned on forum? do you find that a little disrespectful in any way?
Asked by 2022 (31.124.45.x) on December 18 2022, 11:32am
Reply on December 18 2022, 3:52pm:
    nah it's cool
Question: Why only oscillators and ADSR in ReaSynth? Why don't you include filters and LFOs and other things which are in typical synthesizer? Not enough time for it?
Asked by Synthie (182.68.196.x) on December 17 2022, 2:42pm
Reply on December 18 2022, 3:52pm:
    there are a lot of synths out there :)
Question: heyJman- did you happen to notice this video seems to detail some REAPER history..would that be quite accurate? (youtu.be/cNrv-41s6BM thumbsup?
Asked by 2022 (31.124.45.x) on December 15 2022, 3:13pm
Reply on December 15 2022, 3:33pm (edited at December 15 2022, 3:35pm):
    Heh, a few inaccuracies there but not bad, and it's a subset obviously... and no mention of everrybody else involved, without whom REAPER would be still 2.x-ish :)
1 Comment...
Question: if you could describe "The REAPER way" in a sentence, what would you say it is? This in the sense of ideology of course
Asked by thenautilus (187.213.86.x) on December 15 2022, 12:20am
Reply on December 15 2022, 12:56am:
    "no significant downsides"
1 Comment...
Question: if you don't impliment a kidnapping detection element to your software, you will die in federal prison, after what i just heard, and am now telling every VST developer
Asked by jadensmith (71.231.176.x) on December 13 2022, 8:17pm
Reply on December 13 2022, 11:16pm:
    hmm I might remove this since it's not a question and also incomprehensible
1 Comment...
Question: eyyo- so had about a foot of snow other day- would YOU go running in THAT?!
Asked by 2022 (95.145.189.x) on December 13 2022, 2:55pm
Reply on December 13 2022, 4:48pm:
    I’d sure try! The distances would be shorter… have snow shoes?
1 Comment...
Question: Hi Justin, please let the mixer faders move like when u press the CTRL and move [nice sensitivity]. Or put and option in preferences to switch as default. And also the track sends . when you click on the small circle to adjust the level , it shows as a mini fader in the mcp and tcp. Thanks bro. Dave
Asked by Dave Rodrigues (106.195.6.x) on December 10 2022, 8:19pm
Reply on December 12 2022, 7:06pm:
1 Comment...
Question: Can you add gain reduction meter in track metering like in Pro tools/Logic
Asked by Sam Joseph (49.37.240.x) on December 10 2022, 7:27am
Reply on December 10 2022, 7:08pm (edited at December 10 2022, 7:09pm):
    That would be nice, for now you can tell reacomp to show its UI in the track or mixer panel...
Question: hey justin- have you ever had a play with any violin type instruments? (other than guitar style)
Asked by 2022 (95.145.189.x) on December 9 2022, 6:19pm
Reply on December 10 2022, 7:08pm:
    Yeah! Cello more recently, and violin as a kid
1 Comment...
Question: Sometimes, gfx.getchar returns two character in a queue, like 261 and 128 when I enter the €-symbol on a german keymap. How do I interpret these two values to convert it into €? Or into UTF8 or something?
Asked by Mespotine (46.114.200.x) on December 9 2022, 5:30pm
Reply on December 10 2022, 7:08pm:
    Sadly I don't have a good answer for this one at the moment
Question: Follow up on a 2010 question: Do you know of any well-known ("famous") musicians or engineers who use Reaper?
Asked by KokoHanlo (75.118.175.x) on December 9 2022, 3:58pm
Reply on December 9 2022, 4:21pm (edited at December 9 2022, 4:22pm):
    Yeah plenty though they probably aren't the insanely-famous of them all, anyway we respect peoples privacy...
Question: Have you tried ChatGPT chatbot? It can do e.g. reascripting (sort of...). openai.com/blog/chatgpt/
Asked by wasereb4 (87.167.90.x) on December 9 2022, 12:12am
Reply on December 9 2022, 5:17am:
    Yeah it's pretty cool! Despite its limits.
Question: Hey Justin, hope you're well. Have you ever had self-confidence issues/tendency to count yourself out, if so, do you have any tips for overcoming it? Thanks :)
Asked by jack (146.70.134.x) on December 8 2022, 7:45am
Reply on December 8 2022, 3:48pm:
    Probably yeah... I dunno, remember other people are usually focused on themselves and their own issues rather than you. Or are delusional about themselves. Or aren't judgmental anyway?
Question: What do you think about anarchism? (the political theory)
Asked by wasereb4 (79.246.94.x) on December 8 2022, 2:16am
Reply on December 8 2022, 4:22am:
    I don't think anarchy would be a productive system given the current combination of resources, culture, technology, and population.
Question: heyman- have you ever questioned,or wondered #why? windows o.s. does not come with any MIDI loopback functions by a default installation? is there a serious reasons,or considerations #why? this would NOT be included without further 3rd party installer? (is that same on mac/linux?
Asked by 2022 (95.145.189.x) on December 6 2022, 2:20pm
Reply on December 7 2022, 10:45pm:
    They could do a lot of things relating to pro audio way better than they have... so can't say I really have spent much time on it
1 Comment...
Question: As a city cyclist, do you think something like the rohloff speedhub would pay of due to low maintenance and ability to shift gears while standing at traffic lights or is it too expensive for the everyday trusty bicycle? (Or are you just more into derailleur gears in general?)
Asked by Pedalingpanda (77.190.153.x) on December 6 2022, 1:02pm
Reply on December 6 2022, 1:29pm (edited at December 6 2022, 1:30pm):
    Those are nice, I've used them on citibikes and they are cool. 1.5-5% loss is something to consider, though. I mostly ride a single speed with a freewheel (48:20 ratio on 700c wheels which isn't super fast but fast enough), which is also low maintenance...
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